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Question for the adults who play...

Gamer - People are surprised. I'm 20 years old and 5 feet tall. Tiny little thing. I play anything from Asscreed to Animal Crossing (besides Call of Duty etc) and really don't look the part.
I always try to carry my 3DS to get streetpasses. In the case in my purse, or in my backpack. Unless I'm going to a HUGE event or a long class day where I know something could happen to it.
They'd have to ask about ACNL tbh. I used to pore over Zelda guidebooks during middleschool science so.
I am 40 year old guy (6'3" 200lbs) and I carry my 3DS with me everywhere - only to play Animal Crossing! Wild World got me addicted to this amazing (and relaxing) game back in 2008, so I was eagerly awaiting the arrival of New Leaf ? and Nintendo did not disappoint!

I commute to work each day (Manhattan) and nothing makes the time go by faster than harvesting fruit in your ever changing town. Just last week while commuting home (deep into the game) I took an eye break, looked up, and much to my surprise the guy in front of me was also playing Animal Crossing! How random is that? Just another adult commuting from home enjoying the game!

Even better, when I went to GameStop to pick up my reserved copy on launch day, I noticed that store was a bit on the crowded side. As I walked up to the counter to get my copy of New Leaf, I kind of felt a little ?silly? asking for it, but then just threw it out of my mind ? no big, who cares.

As I was paying for the game in GameStop, 3 large (built) and kind of tough looking late-twenty something guys walked in, headed right to the counter and said, ?I forgot to pre-order! Do you guys have any copies of Animal Crossing left??. The store clerk said they were sold out, so the guys looked at me and said, ?oh man, you got it!? I proceeded to tell them that they can just download their copy to their 3DS ? so they were happy about that and bought the digital version in the store.

So, needless to say, Animal Crossing is loved by many regardless of age and preconceived images. ;)
People are shocked to learn I'm a gamer. Basically because I'm a girl. Apparently it's rare for a girl to be a gamer? idk.

I dunno I think the "girl's can't be gamers" stigma is a thing of a past. In the GAME shop I work at, there are 4 girls (including me) and 3 guys and we don't exactly get surprised reactions from the customers, maybe about some of our game choices but not at the fact that we game in general.
Interesting question...

I'm almost 30 (tough people tell me I look younger), I have a serious, normal job, however I tend to dress relatively playful, and I am told that I tend to look like I'm lost in dreams. My relaxed facial expression is a friendly smile.

I think it depends on the person who sees me, not necessarily on me myself.

People who have no connection to videogames whatsoever probably won't expect me to be playing them - that includes collegues who are my age. People, however, who do know videogames and stuff, will probably guess that I might enjoy gaming, too. I think most people don't care at all, though.

Actually, when I pull out a portable gaming device or even a doll or other toy (because I collect & like to play with them), it's the children who are staring in total surprise. They remind me that I'm actually a grown-up now :)
People are naturally curious; adults are more judgmental while children maintain a broader openess for our habits & hobbies. But many of my adult friends would ask, to which after I'll need to make up a reason to obtain my 3DS back! =)
People are surprised when they see my 3ds, probably because I'm in my 40s, but I do a lot of things people don't expect of me, so I just shrug it off.
No on all three accounts. But I think its more because when I pull out my 3DS people think its nothing more than another type of smart phone or digital organizer. While others think I'm just carrying it around for my child-which I don't have yet but I do have a niece-who put it in my purse for safe keeping.
No on all 3 counts as well. Likely even more so when I'm in my fire department uniform. Of course, being IT in the department, my coworkers assume I'm a gaming nerd and make some lame attempts at teasing me about it. Then of course they go in at night between calls and play their xbox FPS games.... I must say though, having the cargo pocket of BDU pants makes it super easy to carry a 3ds!
It's so awesome that you're a biker! Haha! Harley. Bandanas. Leather. Beards. "Hold on guys, gotta go get my Summer Solstice present from my shih tzu secretary! LADDER SHADES HAAAAYYY!!!" BAHAHAHA!!!

Pretty much, no beard though and you forgot being inked :cool:...I run with both the Harley crowd as well as the sports bike crowd. And yes it is interesting.

That sounds really cute, in a weird-kinda way. xD

Weird? did you just call me weird?? hehe

Hell I keep mine in my bike saddlebag.. I was riding home saw a kid playing with his 3DS in the passenger seat of a car I passed. We ended up street passing.

It will also be with me on my charity run tomorrow (200-300 bikes) - yep good times !
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I have had a few looks. Not in a derogatory way, but definitely a surprised way. I'm 43 and carry my DS around as much as my phone. I was actually thinking today, Nintendo should make some kind of belt holder for the DS.
Personally I'm shocked to get any street passes from anyone, but when I do I'm happy to see them :)
It's so awesome that you're a biker! Haha! Harley. Bandanas. Leather. Beards. "Hold on guys, gotta go get my Summer Solstice present from my shih tzu secretary! LADDER SHADES HAAAAYYY!!!" BAHAHAHA!!!

lol that's great! xD

I'm a 24 year old woman with a soccer mom van and no kids xD 5'10 redhead with glasses. People expect me to be a bookworm-which I am; but i've also been a gamer since I was three. I'm also super quiet-not shy. I don't really notice or care what people think lol.
a) Probably not. I'm a total girly-girl with a love of all things pink and shiny. I doubt anyone would believe I can comfortably use a stylus with my fake nails. :p If I was an AC-personality, I'm sure I'd come across as somewhere between snooty and uchi.

b) I doubt it! However, I had my (coral pink <3) 3DS with me the other day and I was stuck at a train station by myself for half an hour. I played until the train came, and before I put it away in my handbag I decided to switch on StreetPass for the first time. When the train reached my stop and I got up to leave there were two guys (looked late teens/early twenties) who turned around to look in my direction - but they weren't sat together. When I got home, I checked my DS and according to the time stamp it had happened while on the train - and that person had been playing ACNL too. I figure it may have been one of those two guys I streetpassed with.

c) I suppose if someone were to realise I was a gamer then ACNL would probably be the sort of game they would associate with me - you know, something cutesy! Although I wouldn't actually rank it among my favourite games please don't kill me. ^^;
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People totally expect me to be a gamer. I guess you could describe me as a music/science nerd...
I suppose nothing really comes as a surprise when it's me because I'm super goofy.
I carry my 3DS with me on a daily basis. There's one exception though, and that's when I'm out with a friend/friends. Then, I just don't want to get distracted and not spend quality time with them because when I'm bored or waiting I tend to pull out my 3DS by force of habit.
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a) A Gamer?
Possibly. Although I am a total girly girl, when I go to work I am in my uniform(nurse scrubs) with my dog Kismet so it's possibly I look a little more "geeky" :p

b) Would be carrying your 3DS to street pass?
I have no idea.

c) Would be playing AC:NL?
Yes. If people thought I was playing any game at all it would probably either be some fashion game or AC:NL.
I dunno I think the "girl's can't be gamers" stigma is a thing of a past. In the GAME shop I work at, there are 4 girls (including me) and 3 guys and we don't exactly get surprised reactions from the customers, maybe about some of our game choices but not at the fact that we game in general.

I still get surprised reactions whenever I say that one of my hobbies is gaming... I get a lot of "marry me's" whenever I say this, lol. But you're right it's not as bad as it used to be.

You mean Nintendo didn't translate Animal Crossing: New Leaf into Dutch? For shame!

nope, but I like English better so I don't mind. Some jokes are always lost in translation when they do...
I don't know so much.

1. A gamer- I don't think I look one way or another on that. People don't seem surprised.

2. Carrying my DS- Generally it will be in my purse and I don't really take it out of there to play, because if I am out I am usually busy running errands....work (Although at one of my jobs I street passed someone ONCE somewhere lol)

3. Playing AC:NL- This one is a big no. People see the box art and the name and think....this is a very childish game and wouldn't even consider it. I have definitely been made fun of and called a dork when I have mentioned it, or when people find out. They are definitely surprised. I'll post screen shots to Facebook, and those are generally the comments I get. My best friend plays, and got her fiancee playing it and loving it. He is embarassed to talk about it and she told me that she had to basically drag out of him which color DS he wanted at the store and he was just continually saying, "I don't care, let's go!" Which is hilarious, but also kind of sad. It's a fun game, and if people were just open to it, I bet they'd get hooked too.
I don't know so much.

1. A gamer- I don't think I look one way or another on that. People don't seem surprised.

2. Carrying my DS- Generally it will be in my purse and I don't really take it out of there to play, because if I am out I am usually busy running errands....work (Although at one of my jobs I street passed someone ONCE somewhere lol)

3. Playing AC:NL- This one is a big no. People see the box art and the name and think....this is a very childish game and wouldn't even consider it. I have definitely been made fun of and called a dork when I have mentioned it, or when people find out. They are definitely surprised. I'll post screen shots to Facebook, and those are generally the comments I get. My best friend plays, and got her fiancee playing it and loving it. He is embarassed to talk about it and she told me that she had to basically drag out of him which color DS he wanted at the store and he was just continually saying, "I don't care, let's go!" Which is hilarious, but also kind of sad. It's a fun game, and if people were just open to it, I bet they'd get hooked too.

I do not get hung up on what people think. I have the AC limited edition 3DS XL. When I had first gotten it I picked it up on my way to a ride. At a stop I had pulled it out to check it out and I got one comment about being a "kiddies" game, The funniest part was that my friends were all telling the guy he really ought to NOT provoke me. He immediately apologized and walked away. It was kind of funny actually. I do not know why some guys get hung up on stupid things like being embarrassed by a 3DS. Who care as long as you are having fun and it isn't harming anyone else.
So I am just curious if anyone you passed on the street would think you are:
a) A Gamer?
I'm not sure what people expect when they see me. I don't think it really surprises anyone, I'm a 33 year old goth chick with hair past my waist, I get judged anyway. When I tell people like coworkers (I do accounting and IT) I am a gamer, they are positive and curious, even the guys. I've gotten more shocked looks and teasing for having a black belt in kung fu than for the gaming hobby.

b) Would be carrying your 3DS to street pass?
My SO teased me until we went to a retro gaming convention and I got like 45 streetpasses at once. He thought the connectivity was pretty cool after that. I've had to explain what it is and what I'm playing when on the train or at the airport, but given the fact everyone plays angry birds on their smart phone, the 3ds isn't that weird anymore.

c) Would be playing AC:NL?
I'm a girl, it is categorized as a girly game. So yeah, people expect if a girl is gaming she's playing peggle, sims, that fashion game on 3ds or animal crossing. Sad, but that is the way the world is right now, it's still a 'boys hobby' according to the mainstream. I play a mud, WOW, JRPGS and console games, those that know me realize I play a bit of everything so it's not a surprise.
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