committing silly activities
Is there anyway to change the spots that my current collectibles are at?
maybe by checking the dates? they're ordered by the date they were purchased.
example: older ones go to the back, new ones go to the front.
Collectibles are displayed by dates. So you would have to get newer/older collectibles of the same ones in order to swap them.
Your cherry is the newest and your last yellow candy is the oldest out of the ones you are currently displaying. So for example, if you wanted your cherry to move beside your blue house, you would have to get one slightly newer than your blue house. Annoying, I know. X_X
then, what is the function of the "configure" feature when you go into your inventory???
Configure is for some of the other Add Ons like User Title Colour, Change Username, etc.
Oh, thank you!
So, does the username change only work once per purchase oorrrrr?
And does that mean if I buy the user title colour change, can I change it as many times as I want? o_o
once per sale