Ghost Soda
(he him or they them)
{ Username: Ghost Soda
{ Birth Name: Clive Valentine
{ Nickname(s): Poison Spit
{ Gender: Male
{ Age: 17
{ Role: Probably leaning towards villain.
{ Power: His saliva and breath are poisonous. Due to this he has to wear the pictured gas mask at all times. The amount of poison is also connected with his emotions. When he's calm he isn't too poisonous but when he's angry the poison he gives off increases in power and range.
{ Strengths: Is somewhat experienced at hand-to-hand and has a good memory. He's also immune to his own poison.
{ Weaknesses: Lacks self control with his powers, can be very destructive and is claustrophobic.
{ Personality: Hates being controlled by others, even when it's to help him, and wants freedom above all else. He often has a hard time trusting others and can be socially awkward.
{ Sexuality: Homosexual
{ Crush/Significant other: N/A
{ Family: His father and mother. Is an only child.
{ Costume: Doesn't really have a costume.
I changed Appearance to Personality, I hope you don't mind.
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