ah ok! I would like a chibi instead c:
Aah-- since you were in the previous batch, you're still able to
have a bust! ;; v ;;
so you can pick between a bust or a chibi ;; v ;;
ah ok! I would like a chibi instead c:
Aah-- since you were in the previous batch, you're still able to
have a bust! ;; v ;;
so you can pick between a bust or a chibi ;; v ;;
- - - Post Merge - - -
Oh sorry,! I forgot to say I am Nidalee, I changed my name to Luxanna
ah ok! I would like a chibi instead c:
Aaah I see! ;; v ;;
I'll change it to Luxanna then <3
Also, you have the choice for a bust or a chibi since you were
in the previous batch <3 ;; v ;;
- - - Post Merge - - -
same oc or different?? ;; v ;;
Aaah I see! ;; v ;;
I'll change it to Luxanna then <3
Also, you have the choice for a bust or a chibi since you were
in the previous batch <3 ;; v ;;
- - - Post Merge - - -
same oc or different?? ;; v ;;
I would still like a bust drawing ^^
same oc's and everything the only thing is
if you could add this headband and or weapon on the girl i would be very happy!
also take all the time you need too :3
same oc pls! i have more references here if you need them: http://toyhou.se/262626.fleur
Welcome back! I'm definitely still interested in your art, but since I originally offered 1k TBT is it still ok if I ask for a bust?
How many figures? 1
Reference of your Mayor/OC/Villager: here and here!
Are you wearing a QR? Yes, but I've had this QR for a long time and don't have the slightest clue where to find it again ^^'
Reference of any additional characters: n/a
Any posing information? http://pre11.deviantart.net/9d28/th/pre/i/2015/152/0/2/chibi_pose_sketches_by_shiirohana-d8vmz8m.png can you do the top left pose? or if not the bottom middle pose works too!
Any Extras? I really love when the eyes on chibis are super sparkly and prominent and big, but looking at your chibi samples it seems like that's your style anyway so I guess I don't really need to request it! Also can I ask that you add white knee socks that fit a little loosely, and make her hair more like waist length instead of shoulder length? Darn those ACNL hair length restrictions. ALSO, you can remove the hat and replace it with a blue hair bow.
Comments? I LOVE YOUR CHIBIS SO MUCH. And I know I have a lot of requests so if you would like me to pay more than the standard 1k for a chibi that is fine!! Just let me know!!! ~ <3
I'll put you as a waitlist so as soon the batch goes, I can work on the next one!
and the 1K is the minimum, I let people pay how they see fit! ;; v ;;
and omg thank youu! * ^ *