Team Cheer Creations - Thanks for participating!

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This absolute beauty shows the state Squirtle is in after these two weeks
I got permission from Xara to post it. It was her idea. Pls don't cancle me.

Feeling exhausted,
Xara sucks at MPS,
But saved the moo moos.

And if this does not count...

Running out of steam,
Squirtle fights with all its heart,
Water's last brave splash.

Final Reminder!!! This event closes at 11:59 pm EDT tonight! That's in less that 30 minutes! If you still have cheers to post, do it quickly!

The championship
Reaches its ending
Squirtles reign supreme!
Hi @michealsmells! Cute haiku! Unfortunately, your middle line should be 7 syllables and it's only 5. Can you correct this quickly and let me know when it's done so I can accept your entry?
Final Reminder!!! This event closes at 11:59 pm EDT tonight! That's in less that 30 minutes! If you still have cheers to post, do it quickly!

Hi @michealsmells! Cute haiku! Unfortunately, your middle line should be 7 syllables and it's only 5. Can you correct this quickly and let me know when it's done so I can accept your entry?
Edited and fixed! Thanks for letting me know!!! I can't believe I did that lmao
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