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You know what? Why don't you just come over and see for yourself when I finish what I'm doing? C:

I can do that but I'm sleeping very soon so add me as a friend on here and I will gladly come see the next time we're on because I am very interested in this :)

Have you been playing pokemon x/y? I've been neglecting it thanks to ACNL :( I thought it was going to be RIP animal crossing when pokemon came out but that didn't happen clearly lol
Can I come?
Im kidna curious >.>
Sure. ;D The more the merrier. xD I'm resetting a plot for Bob because since my town is all tiled over, and there is a place for everything, I can't afford for anyone to just plop a house down where ever they please. One wrong placement and it could mess a LOT of things up xD
Sure. ;D The more the merrier. xD I'm resetting a plot for Bob because since my town is all tiled over, and there is a place for everything, I can't afford for anyone to just plop a house down where ever they please. One wrong placement and it could mess a LOT of things up xD

Ah yeah that trick!
I gotta do that tomorrow.
I won Beau in a raffle (still crying on the inside) and I want him to live near Stiches :3
I added you btw. lol
Do you have a dream address? I'd like to visit xD
I do, but it hasn't been updated in ages because I don't like updating it when in progress. I'm still not done after all this time.
Every time I think I'm done, I find something else I can do XD
Hopefully Im on when its called.
Got to do a family thing in the afternoon. x

Good luck all!
Lephixia, can we do this tomorrow with Chrononeko? Bob is being dumb so after I get him just right, I want to sleep. Haha...
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