Rain vs Snow

Rain vs Snow

  • I love rain!

  • I love snow!

  • I want confetti!!!

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I'm not really a huge fan of either, so I voted for the third option.

Rain is nice for being inside as it provides a cozy atmosphere, but I wouldn't want to be outside in it.

Snow is really cool and rarely happens where I live, which I'm glad about because I would NOT enjoy having to shovel snow out of my driveway every year.
I love the rain so much so that it’s one of my favorite things in life and existence. It smells nice, sounds nice, looks nice, it’s just good for my soul. I don’t like getting rained on though lol
I love the rain and snow is beautiful but it messes up the roads and traffic so it's only fun if you don't have to go work or travel in it. I prefer rain.
Snow is beautiful when you don’t have to dig your car out and try to get to work. Rain is miserable and depressing.
Rain is a bother for me (although I don’t mind if I don’t have to leave the house). I only see snow like once every 3-4 years and even then it’s sparse, so snow by far for me
I love both, but will choose snow because it's pretty and usually doesn't come with floods. Since June I spent so many night and days shovelling and trying to keep water out of the house that I'm a little tired with rain and prefer hear it on YouTube instead.
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I'm not really a huge fan of either, so I voted for the third option.

Rain is nice for being inside as it provides a cozy atmosphere, but I wouldn't want to be outside in it.

Snow is really cool and rarely happens where I live, which I'm glad about because I would NOT enjoy having to shovel snow out of my driveway every year.
People in the North (at least where I live) don't shovel their driveways anymore, we are all hiring a company who will do it every day, several times a day if needed. Which is a good thing because before that service, ppl dying while shoveling was not that rare.
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I’ve only seen snow once during a trip when I was about 4. It was fun, but my legs were hurting and shivering by the end of the day. I’ll take rain any day.
Rain all the way for me, I hate snow! I enjoy listening to the sound of rain - especially if it's pouring.
Of the two, I definitely prefer snow. Winter is my second favorite time of the year after Autumn and I look forward to snow. I love the beautiful scenery that snow can create. While shoveling snow and dealing with ice are definitely a bother, I'd say it's a fair tradeoff.

I used to like rain, but my opinion has soured on it in recent years as we've been dealing with more severe storms, flooding and such thanks to climate change. Now I just look at it as a bother.
ooooo I love them both but I'll say rain, it always makes me so happy when we get it here
People in the North (at least where I live) don't shovel their driveways anymore, we are all hiring a company who will do it every day, several times a day if needed. Which is a good thing because before that service, ppl dying while shoveling was not that rare.

Hmm, didn't know that. It most likely varies by location though because I know there's definitely people who live in the northern U.S. who have to deal with doing that. Not everyone has the money to pay a company to do it for them. Regardless, thanks for the reply.
Easy, rain. Snow looks pretty, but after a few days it loses that and also gets annoying to deal with, and shoveling it sucks so much. Rain is way more pleasant if I’m inside, especially if I’m trying to go to sleep and it’s raining just heavily enough. It’s just…


The way it smells outside after rain is also peak. The only time I don’t like rain is if it’s thundering really loudly and it’s getting annoying or if I’m outside while it’s raining.