Rain vs Snow

Rain vs Snow

  • I love rain!

  • I love snow!

  • I want confetti!!!

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ive never seen snow in my life unfortunately so rain wins this one
I like watching rain behind my window. I don't like it on my head, and because I'm too lazy to hold an umbrella even if it is in my bag. We rarely have snow and I definitely like it! I don't really like cold, but watching behind my window is nice! And I'm not a child anymore but I would love to play in the snow.
I prefer rain. it happens more often and it's not as chilly, plus it makes nicer sounds.
I quite enjoy the rain when I’m sleeping or spending the day indoors, makes me feel extra cosy listening to it from the warmth, but overall I prefer the snow - probably cause it hardly ever snows where I live and if it does it’s usually pretty light so it doesn’t cause massive disruption like it does in other places that see a lot of snow so it’s quite a novelty when it snows around me.
I love both! I think I’ll go with rain tho, more versatile.
i love both! but only in moderation pfff

love the rain because it makes for the perfect condition to quickly fall asleep to and i love the ambiance it gives when it hits the window. on the other hand, i truly hate driving when it's pouring because i'm clutching my steering wheel for dear life.

gotta love the canadian winters 🥹🥹 i do love when it's slowly falling and you get to see it build up. that's about it, i hate the slush, i hate the freezing rain, hate the black ice, hate shoveling, hate when it starts to melt because it got warmer then froze up again cause it got cold so now you have frozen piles of snow. c'est la vie but it's a pain !!!!!
RAIN. maybe if I'm home then snow, but thinking about the driveway being messy hurts me.

The sound of rain soothes me, don't mind driving in it either unless it's overkill
I love both so much, it's hard to choose. I absolutely love rain in the fall I think it makes everything feel so cozy and like others have mentioned I really enjoy the smell!

The only downfall (for me) is when it rains at work so we can't go outside. It makes the day feel really long and it makes the toddlers a bit stircrazy, lol.

With snow!! I love it so much and I'm always excited when it snows. I don't love shoveling the driveway or the scary driving conditions though. I really love when it snows in December and most people are still excited about it. Plus as long as it's not too cold we still go outside in the snow. Although putting on snow gear is a lot of work... and sometimes the toddlers don't like it and are sad about it.
I prefer rain! I recently had the opportunity to experience snow for the first time this past winter :") While I thought it was beautiful and fun, it's too cold for me. I prefer the sound, smell, and feel of rain overall. It might be bias since I grew up in a rainy state. Although, too much rain like a hurricane is a no for me.
honestly i dis/like them about equally. both wet and cold, and i would hate to be out in them, but snow is at least beautiful to look at if you're inside, and rain sounds are really soothing to me!
as someone who lives in a place that rains a lot, i really hate the rain and i don't really get the obsession with people thinking rain is cozy and stuff 😭 sure it's cozy when u are inside and under a blanket but when u have to commute to work/school it is hell. i would choose snow over rain cause u can use snow as an excuse to not go to school or work. but too much snow is also really dangerous if u are stuck inside ur house so has to be a medium amount of snow lol.
Rain is so pretty to me :3

I like snow but it can get rly disastrous especially if I need to go somewhere. Not too sure why but the rain is calming to me in comparison to like every other weather
Rain!! I honestly love the rain so much. I'm not so much a fan of being on the road during it since the drivers where I live always drive like the sky's falling when it rains, but rainy weather is so wonderful to me! I always want to go out and lay on the ground and let the rain cleanse me. I also love curling up in my bed and doing something relaxing while listening to the rain hit my balcony rail! It's so soothing.

I like the cold weather that comes with snow and looking at snow, but I hate having to go out in it. I have the balance and coordination of a baby learning how to walk LOL, so even when I'm wearing snow boots with good traction, the possibility of slipping and falling is always there, especially when the snow turns slushy and icy. 😪
Rain. I live in a place where snow is only pretty for like the first hour before it's gone or just grey slush
I love both? Rain is so nice to hear. It comforts me to no end but snow is just so special? The whole world is quiet and it calms me down. I always take a walk in the first snow. I really can't decide 💕
I love rain and snow. However, snow clinches it for me! I love whenever you wake up and outside is a blanket of white snow untouched with footsteps. I hate it as the day goes on when it melts and turns to slush.
I love both, its nice ambience and cozy. But we don't see snow to often so it just feels a little extra special :)