Selling 🌷Rainbow’s Amiibo Adoptions🌷[new competitive pricing!]

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Hehe ordering from you again while I still don't have a full town (and will def be ordering from you again in the future :) )

Mayor Name : megg
Friend Code (if not in sidebar) : sidebar I think
Villager Request : Kiki
What?s my favorite color? : purple
Availability : in an hour if you're available then?
Hehe ordering from you again while I still don't have a full town (and will def be ordering from you again in the future :) )

Mayor Name : megg
Friend Code (if not in sidebar) : sidebar I think
Villager Request : Kiki
What’s my favorite color? : purple
Availability : in an hour if you're available then?

Hey again :) It’s been almost an hour so I’ll get started on Kiki, just let me know when you’re ready
I'm ready now when you are :) Do I need to re-add your FC?

Only if you’ve deleted it since earlier. I tend to delete FCs quickly so they don’t pile up and no one comes to my town when they aren’t getting a villager. :) my gate is open!
Order Form
Mayor Name : Bunny
Friend Code (if not in sidebar) :
Villager Request : Chrissy
What?s my favorite color? : Purple
Availability : Now

Ordering again as I just reset aahahah sorry! Trying to fill up my town c:
Hiiii! So sorry but I found another person before this for only 20 tbt but they didn't reply back until today. Tysm though!
Mayor Name : Lolly
Friend Code (if not in sidebar) : I think it?s in my sidebar? It?s,, been a while since I?ve been online omg
Villager Request : Stitches!
What?s my favorite color? : Purple
Availability : uhhhh pretty much most of the day tomorrow? Probably from 11ish AM MST!
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It's me again :)
Mayor name: rafay
FC: in the bar
Villager request: beau
What's my favourite colour? Purple
Availability: now and till 2 hours
I’m open now :blush: Anyone who put in orders yesterday or this morning please like this post if you still want the villager and I’ll get to it ASAP, though I’ll be a bit slower than usual due to IRL things.
Mayor Name : Clair
Friend Code (if not in sidebar) : Sidebar :)
Villager Request : Flora
What’s my favorite color? : Purple
Availability : Free most of the time (VM or PM)
Hi again!! I've started cycling out my unwanted villagers now and got tank to move out! Thank god haha, putting a bridge right where his house is

Mayor Name : Megg
Friend Code (if not in sidebar) : Sidebar
Villager Request : Melba
What’s my favorite color? : Purple
Availability : I need to void or give away Tank first, letting my thread sit in the forum for like an hour or two and then gotta pick my sis up from school, so around 3 EST or a little over 2 hours from now? :)
Hi again!! I've started cycling out my unwanted villagers now and got tank to move out! Thank god haha, putting a bridge right where his house is

Mayor Name : Megg
Friend Code (if not in sidebar) : Sidebar
Villager Request : Melba
What’s my favorite color? : Purple
Availability : I need to void or give away Tank first, letting my thread sit in the forum for like an hour or two and then gotta pick my sis up from school, so around 3 EST or a little over 2 hours from now? :)

Hello! Sounds good, I’ll move her in so it’s fast when you’re able to get her later!
SO for some odd reason I can’t vm you back but! I should be able to pick up stitches in about an hour if you don’t mind? ALSO it just notified me I had a vm I’m so so sorry for the late response!
Yeah sorry! I turned off my VMs sometime last year because I somehow got a notification that I got a new VM even when I didn’t have a new one. It just never went away and annoyed me to death so I just turned them off (and frankly I don’t remember how to turn them back on at this point).

I’m waiting for Flora to be picked up at this moment, I’ll let you know when you can come get Melba @megg

@shinx - don’t worry, I’ll still be hanging around for a few hours yet!
Mayor Name : Garnet
Friend Code (if not in sidebar) : In sidebar
Villager Request : Chrissy
What’s my favorite color? : Purple
Availability : For the next 3 - 4 hours. I should also be around late this evening (EDT) and tomorrow.
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