Selling 🌷Rainbow’s Amiibo Adoptions🌷[new competitive pricing!]

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Alright. I did read that, I just wanted to confirm. Thanks for letting me know why it's closed. I didn't know there has been an issue with the WiFi, but I definitely want to request a villager when everything is up and running.
I think the WiFi issue is resolved, someone just came to my town to make a delivery. So I’ll be open for a bit today.
is it ok for me to post my form for when this opens again? ;w;

Mayor Name: Kuro
Friend Code (if not in sidebar): In sidebar
Villager Request: Felyne
What’s my favorite color?: Purple
Availability: Anytime ♡
Could I post my form too? (?ヮ`)

Mayor Name: Prisci
Friend Code (if not in sidebar): 4442 - 1626 - 1018
Villager Request: Wolf Link
What’s my favorite color?: Purple
Availability: Anytime
Felyne and Wolf Link are both not available for adoption. I have the figures but they can’t be adopted from towns, you have to scan them yourselves. Sorry guys.
Here's my form whenever you're ready :)

Mayor Name: Zayerr
Friend Code (if not in sidebar): in sidebar
Villager Request: Sprocket
What?s my favorite color?: Purple
Availability: Anytime
I’ll be open for a little bit today. :) I’m sorry if I missed you yesterday! I only like to be available for a few hours at a time.
Order Form
Mayor Name : Lucas
Friend Code (if not in sidebar) : Left
Villager Request : Moe
What?s my favorite color? : Purple
Availability : Anytime today :)
Hey! Here?s my form :)

Mayor Name : River
Friend Code (if not in sidebar) : On the left
Villager Request : Teddy
What?s my favorite color? : Purple
Availability : Anytime today
I am sorry about yesterday! I had to step out unexpectedly and by the time I got home again I just didn’t feel like doing this. I’ll be around for the next 5-ish hours if anyone has a request in that time. :D
Hey! Don't worry about yesterday, running this must be quite tiring.

I'll repost my request form just in case

Mayor Name : River
Friend Code (if not in sidebar) : On the left
Villager Request : Teddy
What’s my favorite color? : Purple
Availability : Anytime today!
Hey! Don't worry about yesterday, running this must be quite tiring.

I'll repost my request form just in case

Mayor Name : River
Friend Code (if not in sidebar) : On the left
Villager Request : Teddy
What’s my favorite color? : Purple
Availability : Anytime today!

I’ll get him ready right away :D
Oh thank you so much!!! It's been a real journey trying to find him haha

Let me know when he's ready for pickup!
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