Order Form
Mayor Name : Cwynne
Friend Code (if not in sidebar) : Check sidebar!
Villager Request : Ankha
What’s my favorite color? : Purple
Availability : Tonight (5/14/18) or tomorrow night (5/15/18) at 10:15pm EST
Thanks so much!!
How much do you charge people for RV villagers?
Hello! Every villager is 40TBT.
You said 40 TBT for normal villagers and not special villagers like the amiibo card RV villagers.
My first post says every villager is 40TBT. If anything I would charge more for RV villagers since they take longer than non-RV villagers but I didn’t think that would be fair.
Hello, for whenever you're available,
Order Form
Mayor Name : Emily
Friend Code (if not in sidebar) : 0619-8681-8750
Villager Request : Molly (Again, sorry :3)
What’s my favorite color? : So many to choose ; u ;
Availability : Today as well as the next few days (or whenever you're available)
Ah hello sorry I'm posting so many times >n< (I had just started a new town and blah blah) sorry to make you so do much work ; ~ ;
Order Form
Mayor Name : Emily (of Orion)
Friend Code (if not in sidebar) : 0619-8681-8750
Villager Request : Marshal
What’s my favorite color? : Still no clue :3
Availability : Whenever you're available c:
– – – – –
Thanks again!
Hey againI’ll get started right away!
Thanks so much! I'll probably request one or two more if that's okay >n< I feel so bad for making you scan multiple times ;^;
(I really really appreciate all your help though~)
Sure, that’s fine.I don’t think you should feel bad though since you are compensating for my time spent. If you tell me in advance who you will want I can move them in advance so it’ll be quick when you want to pick them up!
Hey fun story: after returning from your town, my DS died (does that mean Marshal is still moving in or..? I think it saves but still)
The other two villagers would be Kyle and Drago – thanks a bunch c:
Now that’s an interesting question! I think since it saved when you left that Marshal will still be moving in but if it turns out he doesn’t it won’t be a problem for me to get him again for you (free of course)