raise your hand if you are not looking forward to valentines day

I've been so lonely for so long now that I really am not even effected by Valentine's Day. I may make a joke about it, but in reality, I'm always lonely. It hits me hard at random intervals, doesn't really have anything to do with Valentine's Day.

This year I have a history exam on that day, I'm more worried about that.
I hate this day for a multitude of reasons.
Either everyone's complaining or somebody's in love. I only like the discount candy and cute pillows/bed stuffs you can get the day after ^_^
That pastel rainbow alpaca plushie will be mine >:^D
it's better to be single and thinking youre lonely on Valentine's Day, then to be all worried about screwing things up by not getting the right gift for your SO... it's toughest of all tho for those people who have been dating somebody but not yet quite serious-- they're in that grey area of Dag what do i get for this person, if anything, for Valentimes?? (yeh i call it Valentimes for some reason)
Im looking forward to it because its fun and pink and people are nice and i get free food/candies
Iiiiiiit's noooooot the place to raise your hands to spread your mushy-ness with your love Pachiiiiiiiii!! Stay modestly good in your mushy Valentin's day thread. *kicks your butt out*

*pouts* :( But people have spread their negativity in my Valentine's day thread, so why can't I be positive here?
i'm not really not looking forward to it! it's a cute holiday and seeing everyone loved up is pretty cute! i'm off work so i'll probably spend it in faux sadness and eat cake and popcorn or something but i'm not really bothered by it. i used to hate valentine when i was with previous partners because i thought it was too commercialised and dumb and while i still think that it's kinda a goofy and cute day so why ruin it for other people just because i don't neccassarily wanna
*pouts* :( But people have spread their negativity in my Valentine's day thread, so why can't I be positive here?

Those who "have" should be being generous to the ones who don't "have" much. Isn't it? You "have" a lot of love, so just modestly walk away from here, and embrace the joy of Valentine's week with your Kagura-chan!
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I thought I'd be heartbroken on Valentine's; but then I remembered that I have no heart left to be broken. Joke's on you, world.