Random thoughts thread. (New Horizons)

That moment when you get back from visiting a friend's island to talk to Celeste and find that she's actually also on your island and you can't get another recipe.
1: Why does villagers don't recognize when they leave...

2: Tom Nook must be a billionaire.

3: What happen to Digby? Does Tom “cheap” Nook just fired him?!?!

4: Villagers kind of know/suspect they're living in a game. Creepy...
Why is it literally impossible to get different color variations without trading online? Your Nook shop only sells one variation and you can’t get other variations without finding them in trees, in Redd’s shop or getting it in the mail…
I was trying to think of things I can do in the game and it occurred to me that only one of my 4 current player characters has all the mermaid recipes and items, so I could busy myself trying to swim and dive and find Pascal. I still wish the mermaid items were customizable though. I have a secret area by the secret beach that I'd like to turn into a mermaid/pirate lounge and it would be cool if the mermaid furniture could be customized to be dark, like black and gold or gray and gold.
After playing for more than a year, I might finally be motivated to organize my storage. I'm thinking that I could take all DIYs to the beach of the gothic island since the island rating needs to be lower to keep Jacob's ladder from spawning on the cliffs. My secondary character could house all extra bug models, fish models, extra art works, and extra fossils. I'm at the point where I can't remember which models I've ordered. My island rep characters could then have more space for their clothes and furnishings and materials. I could divide the materials so that each island rep has about an equal amount of materials.
The snow doesn’t look right on an island. I absolutely hate the snow in real life so my opinion could probably be brushed off, but snow isn’t the kind of precipitation we see on islands. I always keep my island in the summer months.
I don't think the snow would look so bad if it weren't for how samey it looks. It's the same way with the grass during all the seasons. There's like no difference in it from one end of the island to the other. That's what I liked about the other games, there was distinct patterns and differences in them that kept it fresh. You can mimic that with some fake qr paths to dash in grass patterns and dirt, but that's an outside interference.

Plus you would have to swap out the qr patterns to align with the seasonal color changes and that's more work than it is worth.
@Croconaw the ecology nerd in me is DYING at how the snow just covers everything and yet my flowers are still blooming. Like I know it would be a pain if the flowers bloomed like the shrubs but we all know my blue roses aren't surviving through winter :mad:
I would love winter in-game but for the clearly visible flowers. I wish they’d just get covered in snow like everything else. There is no way I am going to dig up every flower in my island just to make it look seasonally appropriate.
Is it me or is it correct that September will have absolutely no event/event items? Everything is in august october november right?
I sold all my fruit from the trees today and a lightening storm just started.
Its the perfect time to update my dream because lightening is cool but all my trees are now barren :(
I'm bored of my island.
Not playing it or anything like that. But it's design.

I've been working on my second island and I'm really happy with how it's coming along.
And then I go back to my main island and I'm just bored of looking at it.

I've no desire to change the way it looks.
I still like it and used to love it.
I want to preserve it so in the future I can look back at my first island I made in New horizons.
If I flatten I can't do that.

Hopefully this feeling passes soon.
I've been watching people villager hunt, and the way some of them pronounce villagers names annoys me.

So many are calling Frobert frow-Bert (frow like throw)
His name is a combination of frog and Robert.
Its pronounced Frob-ert

Or croque as crow-kay. Its croak. Like the noise a frog makes.

Or Tybalt as Tie-bolt. His name is pronounced Tib-alt.

I've even heard hippeux pronounced as hip-ex. It's just Hippo

It grinds my gears to hear names be butchered XD
The cedar trees look so much more aesthetically pleasing than the other trees. I’ve always felt this way.