Rapture: What Yours Is Mine.

Sorrel took the gun and examined it in her hands. "Does this mean we're gonna rob banks then?" She thought out loud.

(Sorry, I've been doing other stuff at the same time so I haven't been posting)
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(WHY ME cri( and yes you))
"Did you still want the tea? I can buy you some if that'll cheer you up."
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"I'd like to. But I'm in a rush. Don't believe that idiot. We have no debts and we're NOT going to die,"
"I'd rather not.. But what about that other girl? After all, I haven't caught any of you people's names yet."
"Sorrel. (I think I spelt that wrong soz) From Paris. And me, Haruka from Dorset. Who are you?"

(No thats right ;))

Making sure the safety was on, Sorrel put the gun in the pocket of her jeans, pulling the hem of her top down to cover it. She decided to go out and find where the others had ran off to. Being on her own would be too lonely.
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(Lol I wanted to be English)

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"Well, nice to meet you, Storm from Vancouver,"
(I've gotta go for about an hour, sorry guys ;_; I guess that gives you two plenty of time for your characters to fall in love though xD)
"Nice to meet you too, Haruki from Dorset."

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(Damnit I wanted them to be just friends lol