"I-I don't understand? What's so bad about Shrek? I mean, he's pretty shrekky sometimes but that's about it."
She felt extremely nervous, as dat boi was very close to her. The dankest fried chicken you'd ever see started to sweat out of her pores.
"He murdered my whole family, and he keeps trying to get with me. I can't deal with him having killed my mom," Dat boi told Illuminati. He noticed the fried chicken sweating out of her pours, but he decided not to mention it.
"Well, gee, that sure sucks." She said, trying to discreetly grab the chicken and keep it from falling. "You're so dank, I would never do that to you." Her hand reached for her aproned arm and started to secretly draw triangles on it.
Username: twentyonepilots
RP Name: Kunt Cocaine
What they look like:
Power (limited to 1 dank one, or two regular ones): the power to summon a bisons penis
Personality: he so kewl, he kil him slef !!11!1
Any extra info? he kil hm ser!!1
"Well thanks, you're a really cool person," Dat boi stated while he started to blush like a kawaii weeaboo!! Dat boi smiled at Illuminati, not realizing he was blushing.
"Aww, thanks!" She noticed dat boi blushing, which looked bizarre but oddly charming on his petite green body. She put a hand on his shoulder, getting a slimy feeling from his skin. Her other hand twitched. She saw triangle behind dat boi. Her right eye started to blink irregularly and she felt herself becoming dank.
"You're welcome," Dat boi replied. Dat boi blushed harder once he felt Illuminati's hand on his shoulder, he wasn't used to anyone touching him since his mother. So it felt weird to him, yet he still enjoyed it.
Kunt Cocaine fell from the heavens spawing out a bison penis on the skies. The felt a touch around his peewee and started to go do drugs. His eye turned into shotgun and then he became dank as ***. He fell asleep while the weed took over and became the dank.
Username: knitemayrares
RP Name: Pepe
What they look like: //insert image of Pepe
Power (limited to 1 dank one, or two regular ones): powur ov 4chan?1?1?
Personality: he cool I guess
Any extra info? Nah m9