Rate the Above's Villagers

Meh. All of them kinda suck. So sorry.
Maybe Zell is the best?

Coco, Phoebe, Dizzy, Peanut, Tipper, Carmen, Hamlet, Chief, Maple, and Eugene.
Peanut and Maple <3 the rest is ok but Tipper ewwww.

Mine: Poncho Peanut Francine Jacques Stitches Bertha Hazel Mac Pinky
Peanut <3 Hazel, Jacques, and Stitches are okay. Screw everyone else.

Coco, Phoebe, Dizzy, Peanut, Tipper, Carmen, Hamlet, Chief, Maple, and Eugene.
Phoebe, Carmen, Hamlet and Maple are all cute!

The rest are pretty good too. See my signature for villager details~
I love Bianca and Chevre everyone else is alright I guess.
I'm glad Apple moved out of my town though.

My villagers are in my siggy.
Your town is unique. Don't care for Angus, Wendy, Leonardo, or Willow though :c

My villagers are (my siggy isn't accurate anymore >.<)
- Erik
- Pippy
- Lily
- Curt
- Genji
- Gala
- Pashmina
- Moe
- Rudy
I like Genji, Moe, Erik, Pashmina.
I'm OK with Pippy, Gala, Rudy, Lily and Curt.

Mine :

Kitty, Merengue, Del, Apple, Penelope(moving), Shep, Deirdre, Peaches, Vesta and Teddy.
Great villagers! I like merengue the most. :3 not a big fan of teddy or vesta...

My villagers: Punchy, Maple, Merry,Deirdre, Big top, Erik, Gala, rolf(ugh), and Phil(ew).
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I'm not a big fan of Teddy or Vesta, either. :p

I like Punchy, Merry, Erik, Maple and Big Top
I'm OK with Gala, Rolf and Phil.
I've always had a lingering hate for Deirdre. She lives in my town and she annoys me so very much.
Merengue, Shep, and Peaches <333 I like all of yours, except Penelope.

Mine: Merengue, Kiki, Skye, Blanche, Cheri, Bruce, Big Top, Zell, Diana, and Molly
I like Molly and Bruce. That's it.

Coco, Phoebe, Dizzy, Peanut, Tipper, Carmen, Hamlet, Chief, Maple, and Eugene.
I love Phoebe, Hamlet, Chief and Maple but all your villagers are cool in their own ways.

My current villagers: Diana, Beau, Fauna, Lopez, Zell, Bruce, Fuchsia, Deirdre, Erik, Bam (all deer villagers)
Past villagers: Marshal, Fang, Dora, Cranston, Sprinkle, Flora, Peewee, Rocoo, Rod, Rodney, Frita, Pinky, Teddy, Poncho, Paula
Erik and Diana <333 I dislike Apple but other than that your town is lovely!

I have:
- Erik
- Pippy
- Lily
- Curt
- Genji
- Gala
- Pashmina
- Moe
- Rudy
Love: Pippy, Lily, Erik
Like: Genji, Pashmina
OK: Gala, Rudy
Dislike: Curt, Moe

I dislike Curt just because he was in my City Folk town. Such a grumpy bear. :p
Oddly enough I wouldn't mind having him in my town dislike not liking him. Huh.
Moe's kinda scary looking to me, but that's just my opinion. :O

Once again, rate one of my village's from my signature~
*if I could read them(cough)*

I only like Chief from Pacaland and Sally and Filbert from Finch. Marshal is okay and Bree's fine. Zell's cool too. The rest suck, so sorry.
Coco, Phoebe, Dizzy, Peanut, Tipper, Carmen, Hamlet, Chief, Maple, and Eugene.
Love Coco. She is such a sweetheart. Maple is a sweetie too...she'd probably be in the top five for best normal villagers imo. I don't care for Peanut...I don't even know why. I can't hate a elephant. <3 Don't really like Chief if I have to talk wolf villagers...Don't like hamsters either...Tipper was a cutie when I had her in my town so I'm glad to see someone likes her. Eugene creeps me out. CARMEN <3333. Phoebe seems cute. :)

Villagers below. Replace Marshal with Kyle.
Woah, a rabbit/cat/octopus town :D it's a pretty interesting mix of villagers. I like how there's big variations between each of their personalities, which mixes everything up :D marina and Carmen is so cute, and I really liked apollo's design. He's such a cool eagle hohoho. Katt seem like one of those villagers that either you love it or hate it. I'm personally the latter, because tbh I lean more towards cute looking villagers. I find coco really cute for some strange reason.

My villagers:
You have a lot of my dreamies! :D

I have:
Marshal (Yay!)
Rosie (Dreamie!)
Mint (Dreamie!)
Rolf (Fine if he moved out.)
Gala (Would rather stay unless it was for a dreamie.)
Renee (Fine if she moved out.)
Freya (Like her, but in a horrible spot.)
Flip (Fine if he moved out.)
Drake (Finally moving out!)

Moved out:
Astrid (Miss her. :()
Rod (Wanted him out.)
Vic (Was just O.K.)
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God tier: Felicity
Demi-God: Rosie, Beau, Mint
Neutral: Marshall, Rudy, Fauna
Dislike: Genji, Maple

Lot of nice villagers in there. Never had Genji or Maple in a village before, just judging on appearance on this.
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