Rate the Pokémon Move above you

5/10 I recognize its usefulness but I find it often takes too long to start doing good damage. I usually prefer inflicting paralysis due to the speed reduction and chance of not moving.

Thunder Wave?
1/10 it’s funny and all, but not that useful in battle.

9/10 on showdown, at least!
It's cool when you use it but annoying as hell when someone uses it against you.

3/10 As a young kid it kind of annoyed me when I was battling wild Metapods with harden. I wanted to knock them out because they gave decent experience but if you can't finish them off quickly it takes forever.

Fire Fang?
6/10 I wish the base power was a bit higher but it's good enough I guess

Water Pulse
I’m guessing you mean Memento. Momento is a word in Spanish, xD

Eh... 6/10. Pretty useful at times and in competitive play in the past, but otherwise not that much use for it.

Sludge Bomb?
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