Rate the song above you!


(warning that this video has flashing images + realistic drawings of insects and skulls, in case any of that stuff bothers someone)
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4/10 it's okay but i'm not into music like that.

I saw a Dark Side of the Moon video up there and figured I'd place my favorite song on that album here.
8.5/10 That sax!:cool:

Shame I didn't get to answer that Baroness one though, it was also awesome!


This is my favorite song of theirs:
7.5-8/10 One of their best albums!

10/10 best shopping music ever

This music was the main reason why I got on the weather channel on the Wii, and when it was discontinued I was really sad, but happy to know that someone put this awesome music on yt~
7/10 Pretty good!

Prime had some swell tunes.
4/10 Pretty good for being minimalist.

8.5/10 I can see myself listening to this quite a bit, wow!! Super invigorating.

(Warning that the music video I'm linking has some visuals of smoking and, probably obvious by the song title, alcohol)
Song is 3/10 cause the music is okay but the vocals and lyrics are very strange
Video however is 10/10 cause it's the funniest thing I've seen in a while

This has been my favorite Animusic song since I first discovered them in 2013. This is also what inspired me to do computer animation!

Gotta listen to the whole song to truly experience it...