Rate the song above you!

2/10. I am sorry I think its a little bit scary sounding and eerie. If you love it than YAY! I will be super happy if it makes you happy then 10/10! Love your music and dont listen to me!
I wasn't aware that a Power Metal version of that theme existed, but it was amusing. I think I like the SNES Kirby Super Star version slightly more, but this one was also fun (and definitely more dynamic). 7/10.

Meh. 3/10

Hmmmmmm… how about………..
The Kirby and The Forgotten Land theme:
I never heard that before! It was very interesting! It sounded nice but she looks so sad :( Also why she lowkey black and white? If it makes you happy then 10/10! For me I give it an 8/10!!!

3/10. It sounds really familiar to me, and reminds me of a not so happy time. Also, it’s not really a musical masterpiece, it is pretty monotonous. But if you like it, then that’s great! :)

^Gary Moore produces some hot licks! 8/10

One of those songs that I strongly associate with my childhood. Collective Soul didn't truly become one of my favorite (Post-)Grunge bands, but I've always liked nearly all of their singles. 8/10.
