The Edit Your Post Game! - Bell Tree Forums edition

The invincibility star.

What do you put all over your pancakes every morning?
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A different time each day.

What was the last thing you buried in your backyard?
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The pizza delivery dude.

What do you use to "unsee" something you didn't want to see?
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Even though they’re not real, a Cucco would be pretty cool.

What does your heart pump through your veins?
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I guess it depends on what, but I get my inspiration from other people's experiences.

What is something you do all day, everyday, and nonstop?
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video games

if the earth was going to be destroyed in the next 60 seconds, what would you do?
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What’s the last thing you’ve consumed an entire bottle of?
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Where is the best place to hide stolen money?
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In a nice comfy bed

(Not going to bother editing)

Question: What is your least favourite fast food restaurant?