Rate the song above you!

10/10 this song was part of my childhood lmao

And @ThomasHasntPlayedAC I still prefer the original version. A couple of note mistakes in that remix really bothers my ear for music.

My favorite MJ song
pretty good song, used to be one of my favorites but I always associate it with when I was like 10-11 years old and I tried to download it through limewire and it put a crippling virus on our old laptop and killed it. so yeah lmao, still a good song tho

0/10 - It doesn't work.. x)

I can see it just fine. It's probably something wrong with the browser or device that you're on.

uhhhhhh I love Team Fortress 2 but I hate SilvaGunner so I'm in a dilemma here.

Eh 3/10 not a fan

Nice 8-bit remix of the Frappe Snowland theme from MK64.
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7/10 I only wish it could've gone on longer.

HammerFall and Destruction introduced me and made me want to check this song.
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8/10 it even has knack in it!

I had to do it albeit a day late. September, equinox stars.
10/10 of course

(In case it won't work again: Hollywood Undead - Whatever It Takes)
7/10 Not bad! To be honest I was expecting something else..

8/10 I don't really listen to music like this but this is a pretty interesting song

In celebration of my getting a model of Enterprise D, I give you... the song that turned into the main theme for Star Trek TNG!
8/10 reminds me of an older song I loved back then
