Rate Their Aesthetic

10/10!! I love sunflowers, and your avatar, sig and lineup look so nice and sunny!! perfect for spring ๐Ÿ’›
That would be an easy 10 for the colors alone.

(came to realize from this thread that I still haven't made a signature. oops).
6/10! Your sig is adorable, i love ribbitribbonโ€™s bulletin board art sm!!
I like it! Everything matches here. The siggy kind of feels off to me though. Maybe it's because of how it looks right now...? Sorry if that made you feel bad.
Nah, that's fair. I was thinking of increasing the size of the character on the right for more detail and just leaving her bottom half out of it. And also centering everything more.

Anyway, 7/10 for you. It all looks good as well, could just use more collectibles.