Ratting out a cheater?

Would you rat someone out for cheating?

  • Yes.

    Votes: 89 85.6%
  • No.

    Votes: 15 14.4%

  • Total voters
You betcha, I'd rat out a snake! But I can't go in without any proof, I'll have to get mad evidence of their conniving.
I've been cheated on, and I had to find that out on my own-- it was extremely painful.
Yeah I'd tell. It makes me feel bad when people do that. I have zero sympathy for them. If you didn't want them to find out, you shouldn't have done that.
I've ratted out plenty.

I knew a lady who was getting married, and her fiance cheated the night before.
He had done it many times.

I told her, to save her from a life of regret.

She thanked me, as she already had doubts, and called off the wedding.

Cheating is a line you cross that you can't come back from.
Wow, that?s an unambiguous result. The cheater is a former friend of mine - she?s an unapologetic a**hole but she?s certainly not dangerous. I considered talking to her and letting her know that I will tell the cheatee if she does not - but knowing her, I know that would be a waste of breath. I think I?ll hand the proof directly to the cheatee instead. Thanks, guys.
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I would tell the person being cheated on, just because witnessing something and not doing something about it makes me feel partially responsible. I wish I was the kind of person who could confront the person doing the cheating to tell the person they're cheating on or I'd do it for them, but I am not a conflict kind of person so I wouldn't want to interject in that sort of way. It's never a fun situation for any of the parties involved...
Its just not fair
There's little more I despise in a person more than cheating.

It's always worth noting that, depending on the relationship they're in, the person being cheated on may turn it around and blame you (the one ratting out their cheating partner) for being the one who "ruined their relationship".

I think it's better to come out sooner than later, even if it does possibly mean ending a friendship too, I wouldn't say it outright though, cheating is a very hard and sensitive topic, remember to be sensitive when confronting someone being cheated on, drop subtle hints?

I think it's awful, people who cheat ruin so many lives, and show nearly no remorse ever, disgusting.
I wouldn't. Even between those who I THINK I know very well, deep part of truth between lovers are invisible. It's very sad, but that's what they have to find out and decide what to do by themselves from the point when they chose him/her. We need to learn, from experience.
( Although if I ever get the opportunity to rule the world, those who cheat on their partner will DEFINITELY be put under the guillotine, for sure. Yeah be ready for the day! )
As someone whose had to deal with many cheaters, let me just say this:

I do not think anyone should ever be "easy" and "hint" that they know your S/O is cheating on you. I dated someone a few years ago and it turns out both my best friends knew. Guess what, my now ex was cheating with one of them. The other best friend? He kept "gently hinting" to me via going "oh you know, (ex) isn't such a nice guy to you.." Nothing he said ever sounded like "oh your boyfriend is cheating on you"

When I found out the hard way, the hinter got mad at ME for being upset with him for not telling me straight what was happening. It's not my fault you didn't have the balls to tell me, dude.

At least karma got all three of them in the end :^ )c
Very situationally based... For example.. If it were my sister or other relative, yes I would tell them immediately.. Best friend, immediately. Not so close friends or acquaintances, definitely not.. Unless me not telling them would cause physical harm, like so and so had HIV etc
If I know something, I will always tell the truth. Why should I cover for a cheater? No one deserves to be lied to.
yes, of course
because wouldn't you want to know if your partner is cheating on you or not?
the answer to that is yes
unless you a slut yourself and cheat all the time, then i guess it is a no lol
I think if I was in the position of the person being cheated on, I would want my friends to tell me if they knew something funny was going on and I didn't.
I would probably be angry if later I found out about it, and that they knew and didn't tell me.
Unless the person is hitting on me and trying to make me cheat then YES. (That?s how I lost an ?adult? friend *eyeroll*)

But if I?m not involved then honestly no? I mean, it?s kinda not really my place to, unless they ask then yeah. But if I?m not questioned then I just keep to myself.. but that?s probably just me.
i suppose it depends on how close i am to the person being cheated on/the person who is cheating. If I know the person being cheated on, then yes i'll tell them something is up. If I know the person who is cheating, then I would more than likely scold them and tell them that they need to do the right thing.
To be honest, I really don't care. It's not my test nor my business but if I truly despise the person that is cheating then I'll talk to my teacher in private and get him/her in trouble. I haven't done that yet due to me not despising a person who has cheated around me.
not everything is black and white.
it depends on the situation. generally, i don't interfere because its none of my business. im not condoning cheating on your partner however i dont think unless youre directly involved you should be telling anyone.
i think if you even are considering cheating on your partner you should be honest
be transparent before you hurt someone you love
Hell yes. I just helped end a relationship two weeks ago. I didn?t really know the guy or girl, both were friends of friends, but I was out with my boyfriend and saw the guy being all touchy and hanging on some other girl so I snapped a quick pic, found his girlfriend on Facebook, and sent it to her. I honestly don?t regret it one bit, and she even thanked me lol
I'm sorry I have to go to ratting out. If I'm called names or anything so be it. Someone's heart is on the line, and it's worth it.