I was gonna get blue and yellow, but I just ended up getting blue since I have yellow in GB, and I never played blue, and I didn't wanna DL both only to get bored of one because of the outdated mechanics, and then never play the other - so I just chose blue b/cos it's the only main series game I've never played a version of.
I'm struggling to find a team tho, I only right now have Ivysaur, Fearow and Alakazam. I also have Pikachu and Mew in my party, but I don't plan on using them, and havne't used them in battle yet. Gen 1 is a hard generation for me b/cos I don't like a lot of the Pokemon, and a lot of the Pokemon I do like are similar to each other so it's going to be hard for me to find a good team. Like I like Chansey, Snorlax and Kanga, but they're all normal type, so why so I need three normals? I'll probably pick Snorlax since OP. Then I also plan on adding Lapras to my team, bringing my total up to 5. But I kinda wanna replace Fearow with something else, but then there are no good flyers that I need, so I'm thinking Atricuno?? If not then maybe Dodrio since online says it can explot OHKO Hyper Beam p well?? IDK I just need help putting a good, well structured, mild OP team exploiting Gen 1 glitches. Like I was gonna add Persain so I could use the speed/slash/crit exploit but since I plan on using Snorlax why do I need another normal type?