Red Ogre Group

I've been given permission by Jason to add ranks that will cost a small fee. (and i mean small) The Ranks are:
Green: 50 TBTB
Yellow: 75 TBTB
Black: 150 TBTB
Blue: 200 TBTB
Red: 400 TBTB
Bronze: 500 TBTB
Silver: 600 TBTB
Gold: 700 TBTB
Platinum: 850 TBTB
VIP : 1000 TBTB
Supreme Member: 1200
Supreme VIP's: 1500

All current members will be given 2 weeks to change to a rank of their choice. Those who dont reply will be kicked out.
lol. The BOG needs a bit of a reboot it seems at the moment. I can't find it. But then again i havent properly looked, lol. :)
I'm having a clearout of members as most aren't active. Not everyone will be kicked out. Those who have been active of the last few days will stay in. Once ive done I'll say who is still in.
What rank would you like Tom.Nook? They are:

Green: 50 TBTB
Yellow: 75 TBTB
Black: 150 TBTB
Blue: 200 TBTB
Red: 400 TBTB
Bronze: 500 TBTB
Silver: 600 TBTB
Gold: 700 TBTB
Platinum: 850 TBTB
VIP : 1000 TBTB
Supreme Member: 1200
Supreme VIP's: 1500

Im going to get rid iof the old ROG Forum and and make a new one.