Giveaway 🎀 Redbow Cycling 🎀 ~ For New Leaf

Could I get Goldie? One of my favourites and I've been hunting her for a while :)
Hello, I’m looking for Marshal.

My friend code is 3007-8593-7823! It would be a dream come true to get the marshmallow squirrel boy. I’m around evening to late night every day, EST.

Edit: if you wouldn’t mind discord I am leob#1589 ! it’s just that I’m on mobile and the site is hard because it’s web.

Edit again: I got him! So never mind.
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Hi there! I just had a question, since you have several (about 9) of my dream villagers, is there a limit to how many I can request? Thanks in advance.
Could I get Bruce when you have the chance? I'm on most evenings so no rush

Hello! Could I please get Bluebear? c:

Could I get Goldie? One of my favourites and I've been hunting her for a while :)

Hello, I’m looking for Marshal.

My friend code is 3007-8593-7823! It would be a dream come true to get the marshmallow squirrel boy. I’m around evening to late night every day, EST.

Edit: if you wouldn’t mind discord I am leob#1589 ! it’s just that I’m on mobile and the site is hard because it’s web.

Edit again: I got him! So never mind.

Hi there! I just had a question, since you have several (about 9) of my dream villagers, is there a limit to how many I can request? Thanks in advance.

Hi all, I'm so sorry for not being around, I'll be available only in the early morning or evenings for sure, but on and off in the day for the next 2 weeks, I'll be home in 2 hours if anyone's is on then. and you can get as many as you want . :]
Aloha Ably,

I am waiting until you come online... before moving out Elise completely.


p.s. It is 7:33pm here.

p.s.s. It is now near midnight here; 4:00p your time. Would it be possible for you to be online between 7-9:00am your time tomorrow, which would be 3-5:00pm my time? Mahalo.
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Hi, could I get Gayle please.
I'll be available for a few hours tomorrow at 11pm GMT
And i'm free all day on Friday.
Hi, I'm sorry, guys.
have a tooth infection at the moment, I'll be back once the pain killer kicks in.
Aloha, Ably,

I will check here for when you are available again...on your Sunday. I plan on TTʻing... for Marshal. Mahalo. :lemon:
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It's fine, let me know when you're available. :blush:

OK, give me about 12 minutes to get everything ready.

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ah, sorry! it's raining hard here and sometimes my Internet cuts out during storms, I'll open for Chief in 5!
OK, give me about 12 minutes to get everything ready.

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ah, sorry! it's raining hard here and sometimes my Internet cuts out during storms, I'll open for Chief in 5!

Aight, give me a sec, I'll add you.