Giveaway 🎀 Redbow Cycling 🎀 ~ For New Leaf

ok, I've added you and will open, hrs spot chief, spot 9.

Sorry, I'm having an issue, I can't add you because it's not letting me go online, I''m fixing it now, sorry to make you wait. I'll let you know asap.
Fixed, on my way.
Done, thank you so much!! :blush:
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Hi, I will be off and on all night, sorry to miss you!
Aloha Ably, as I type, it is 06:20MST... I will be checking for the next 7 hours for Marshal. Once I know you are online, I will TT to make a spot for him today.

Mahalo for all that you do. I will also check my inventories to see what extra items I may have from the Asian side of ACNL. If you want TBT, please let me know. Mahalo.
Aloha Ably, as I type, it is 06:20MST... I will be checking for the next 7 hours for Marshal. Once I know you are online, I will TT to make a spot for him today.

Mahalo for all that you do. I will also check my inventories to see what extra items I may have from the Asian side of ACNL. If you want TBT, please let me know. Mahalo.

Hi there, you're very welcome, I'm happy to help.
you don't need to go to any extra trouble looking for items, but I'll be available for the next 2 hours, after that, I'm not sure.
Hi, I would like to adopt Gayle please.
I'll be free from now till 9pm gmt.
No, don't worry you do this from the kindness of your heart for free. I greatly appreciate what you do here.
ok, I'll add you and open, spit 2, I'll be after, the dog needs her walk

- - - Post Merge - - -

*spot 2

- - - Post Merge - - -

*I'll be afk
Hi there, you're very welcome, I'm happy to help.
you don't need to go to any extra trouble looking for items, but I'll be available for the next 2 hours, after that, I'm not sure.
Oh no... have I missed you today? :(
Hi! Just wondering if I might be able to get freckles? She’s one of my two dreamies! If not, thanks anyway!
Hi all, I'm sorry to miss you today, I'm here for about 2-3 hours, and tomorrow evening. I have an early morning date with the dentist. (weeee)

I'm free tonight and all of tomorrow. So whenever you're free is gonna be what works for me! :blush: