Giveaway 🎀 Redbow Cycling 🎀 ~ For New Leaf

I would like to make a request for Shep the Dog please!

I'm available whenever you are. Thanks in advance!
I would like to make a request for Shep the Dog please!

I'm available whenever you are. Thanks in advance!

Hi there, I'll be back in about 2 hours,I'll be available then.
Great! I’ll add you and be right there. Might be a few minutes, I’ll message you when I’ll be there. Thanks!

Ok, I'll get him ready, add you and open.

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Ok, I have you added and I've opened, Lucky is to the right.

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Great! I'm ready whenever you are!

Okay, just allow a few minutes for Lucky to be picked up and I'll open for you.
Ok, open for Shep! He's all the way way behind retail, I'll be afk, I need to get something to eat.
My apologies for bother you again, but do you think i can get Papi whenever you get available again?

Thanks in advance.
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My apologies for bother you again, but do you think i can get Papi whenever you get available again?

Thanks in advance.

You're not bothering me at all, I'll get him in, about 10 minutes. ;]

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Ok,OPen! Papi is red section, bottom row, to the left.
My most deepest apologies for the late! Please, forgive me.

I'm available now.
I give you the Feedback tomorrow since it seems i can give you 1 per day, but thank you so much and again, i'm sorry.