Count your Many Blessings
Ok, opening for Mott, he's way over behind re-tail.
Ok, opening for Mott, he's way over behind re-tail.
Hello again! Umm, I don't wanna bother you or anything but could I request Twiggy please? Thank you!
hi, me again.. could ii get Lionel please!?
Hi, for some reason, I didn't get an alert for your posts until now, I'm trying to cram for an exam (T-T) right now but I'll be taking a break in about about an hour or so. I'm sorry for the wait.
Hi, may I please take Maple? I'll be online for the next few hours.![]()
no worries!!! please do study! lmk when youre available and have Lionel for me..take your time
Can I have Twiggy please??
Okay, I'll scan in Maple, Lionel and Twiggy, it will be about 10 minutes to set everyone up, for who ever is available then.
okay thank you so much
Ok, open for Lionel, hes to the right, by the river
Okay, I'll scan in Maple, Lionel and Twiggy, it will be about 10 minutes to set everyone up, for who ever is available then.
No problem, I just got back. I'll get her in.im really sorry to bother you again.. now they just wont stop leaving lol.. although they do have perfect timing though.. this should be the last one!
could ii please get Eloise?
Ugh sorry! I must have missed the notification. I’m online tonight![]()
No problem, I just got back. I'll get her in.
Ok. I'll be ready.
- - - Post Merge - - -
Ok, there's a thunderstorm passing over soon, my internet/power has a habit of going out with any type of inclement weather sooo I'll let you know.
long, tall, skinny, I might disappear.
(formerly Wield the Void! Cycling)
*Always open for requests*
My timezone is gmt-7 or mountain standard (arizona)
Times I'm more likely to be on.
Monday: Afternoon/Evenings
Tuesday: Mornings/Evenings
Wednesday: Mornings/Afternoons
Thursday: On and off all day
Friday: Mornings/Evenings
Saturday: On and off all day*
Sunday: Evening
*Times subject to life, generally, I'm more likely to be on in the evening.
If you miss me, go ahead and post and I'll catch you next time you're on. If the post header says "away", I may not be on frequently. (probably busy with life) but it wouldn't hurt to ask. ^^ If you make a request and I confirm, then never get back to you, please feel free to bug me, I have hard time keeping track of who I've gotten villagers to.
I'm always open to requests.^^ you can also vm or pm me. :]
You can request as many villagers as you desire!
Please Note:
To get a villager back, (i.e they moved out or they're in a bad spot so you kicked them out to re-plot) sixteen villagers must be cycled in and out of your town before you can have them again!
I'm sorry but I can't help you there.
More Rambling Info
PLEASE 'like' my posts when you post!
If you post when I'm offline, please say when you think you'll be back on and your timezone so I can be ready when you are.
I'm subscribed to this thread, I'll get a email notification through my phone, IF I'm home, I'll respond to your post withing 15 minutes.
I'll do the best I can to get your villager(s) to you, I have work and such like everyone else and sometimes timezones don't line up easily.
All I want from you in return for a villager, is feedback.
On that note, I usually leave feedback in batches, which means I might forget. So vm if it's been longer than a day.
It usually takes around 8-12 minutes to scan them in and get them into boxes,(depending if there's several people in line or because another villager sneakily moved out and I need to add another to cycle) or there's some event/holiday in town so I need to tt another day. I'm just generally slow Add approximately 5 minutes to every person infront of you.
pretty please bear with my slowness.
Also, I'll 'like' your post or vm you to see if you're still on if it appears you might be gone, just to make sure you're here before I put your village into boxes and open. If it appears you may have gone offline (say inactive 5-10 minutes ), I will skip you and you'll be shuffled to the back of the line until when you're available*.
* which might be a bit, I'll let you know. Sometimes cycling is like juggling greased snakes.
When you get to Redbow, go ahead and go get your villager. there's no need for me to escort you.![]()
Your Villager will be in either the Red,Yellow or Purple section, in the top or bottom row, I'll let you know. :]
There's also a good chance I'll be away from my ds, messing with chores or burning something in the oven. ( because I turn off the timer and get distracted, that's why.)
And now, here's The Goods
Celia the Cutie Cockatiel
Willow the Golden Fleece
Victoria the Sweet Racehorse
Clay the Terracotta Hamster
Deirdre the Dazzling Doe
Daisy the Dear Dog
Twiggy the Tiny Bird
Teddy the Terrific
Mitzi the Magnificent Kitten
Bud the Laidback Lion
Jacques the Hipster Bird
Stella the Sherpa Sheep
Jambette the Jammin frog
Annalise the Amiable Pony
Ken the Samurai Rooster
Agnes the Lucky Black Pig
Bruce the Cool Buck
Friga the Fair Fairy Penguin
Nan the Natural Goat
Mott the Zen Jock Lion
Mallary the Lavender Duck
Doc the Dour Rabbit
Becky the Blooming Chicken
Midge the Merry Dove
Pango the Patient Pangolin
Murphy the Mod Bruin
Soliel the Sassy Hamster
Poppy the Scarlet Squirrel
Beau, a deer, a he-male deer
Bella the rockin' punk mousette
Bob the Bodacious Cat
Anabelle the Golden Pangolin
Freya the Rockin' Rose Wolf
Canberra the caring Koala
Antonio the Affable Anteater
Timbra the Trendy Sheep
Sprinkle the Sparkly Penguin
Nana the Bubble Gumkey
Gwen the Glamor Penguin
Gayle the Lovely Alligator
Lucky the Mummy Pupper
Bianca the Elegant Snow Leopard
Gaston the Gallant Rabbit
Whitney the White Wolf
Violet the Violet Gorilla
Alice the Cute Koala
Caroline the Hawaiian Squirrel
Gladys the Rosie Red Crowned Crane
Chevre the Cheerful Goat
Melba the Mellow Koala
Apple the Joyful Hamster
Vesta the Vivacious Sheep
Broffina the Little Red Hen
Opal the Jade Elephant
Bree the Baker's mouse
Apollo the Approachable Eagle
Bunnie the Bouncy Bun
Baabara the Lullaby Sheep
Margie the Circus Elephant
Walt the Gray Kangaroo
Vivian the Gorgeous German Shepherd
Phoebe the Phenomenal Phoenix
Lionel the Grandfatherly Lion
Mac the Mellow Bulldog
Diana the Darling Doe
Kyle the Charismatic Wolf
Tiffany the Talented Bunny
Butch the Reese's Peanut Butter Pup
Pecan the Chocolate Squirrel
Wendy the Melon Sheep
Fuchsia the Fab Fawn
Greta the Gracious Mouse
Merengue the Mellow Rhino
Flurry the Frosty Hamster
Merry the Playful Kitten
Flora the the Fuchsia Flamingo
Frank the Football Parrot
Winnie the Western Filly
Savannah the Sporty Zebra
Lily the Lovely Frog
Groucho the Grumpy Bear
Maple the Sweet Cub
Tutu the Too Cute Bear
Fauna the Fine Fawn
Klause the Roman Bear
Tangy the Tangerine Kitty
Pekoe the Precious Panda
Ribbot the Robo Toad
Bill the Chocolate duck
Portia the Polkadot Puppy
Plucky the Tropical Chicken
Ellie the Endearing Elephant
Dotty the Bouncy Bunny
Peanut the Sugar Plum Squirrel
Bam the Blue Buck
Ava the Golden Clucken
Piper the sweet Sandpiper
Claude the curly Rabbit
Pancetti the Pretty Piggy
Olivia the Opaline Kitty
Boris the Movie Hog
Sandy the Cafe Ostrich
Bonbon the Chocolate BunBun
Kid Cat the Crimefighting Cat
Ankha the Ancient Aristocat
Carmen the Clever Rabbit
Kabuki the Cranky Cat
Bettina the Bakery Mouse
Cherry the Rock Doggie
Papi the Playful Onagar
Lolly the Lilting Kitten
Annalisa the Aquiline Anteater
Punchy the Pleasure seeking Cat
Cheri the Cheerful Cub
Gala the Gorgeous Piglet
Bluebear the Azure Cub
Walker the Wonderful Hound
Genji the Judo Bun
Miranda the Mellow Duckie
Camofrog the Cranky Frog
Shep the Sheepdog
Tammi the Tangerine Tamarin
Rooney the Blue Kangaroo
Mira the Superhero Bun
Fang the Friendly Wolf
Cole the Coal Black Bunny
O'Hare the Hatted Hare
Rosie the Retro Kitty
Lopez the Lone Antelope
Molly the adorable Mallard
Eunice the Grandmotherly Sheep
Felicity the Felicitous Kitten
Shari the Sweet Spidermonkey
Goldie the Golden Pupper
Hugh the Happy Hog
Deli the Delightful Monkey
Tammy the Tawny Cub
Blaire the Blazed Squirrel
Eloise the Energetic Elephant
Frita the French Fried Sheep
Sally the Sunset Squirrel
Norma the Milkmaid Moo
Marshal the Moody Marshmallow Squirrel
Boomer the Brave Penguin
Olive the Little Gray Cub
Dobie the Wise Old Wolf
Ketchup the Tomato Duck
Robin the Fruity Finch
Pinky the Purple Panda
Tipper the Terrific Cow
Hopper the Hoppin Penguin
June the Tropical Cub
Chops the Chivalrous Boar
Pashmina the Glamorous Goat
Moe the Marbled Meow
Ruby the Wonderland Bunny
Axel the Athletic Elephant
Wolfgang the Wylie Wolf
Peggy the Peppy Pig
Freckles the Fun Duckie
Drift the Red Hot Chile Peeper
Rod the purple, pirate mouse
Gloria the Glorious Duck
Lobo the Lone Wolf
Marina the Mellow Octopi
Blanche the Belle Crane
Chief the Chill Wolf
Dora the Delightful Doormouse
Hazel the.....the (she's got a unibrow folks, but a fantastic personality!
Gigi the Glamorous Frog
Rodney the Regular Hamster
Jitters the Jumpy Bird
If you have a better idea for someone's tagline, please let me know, mine are getting lamer and lamer as I go on.
If you're struggling with getting a space open, I highly recommend this method: http://www.belltreeforums.com/showthread.php?82107-Guide-Fool-Proof-Guide-to-Moving-Villagers-OUT
I'm also available for private cycling if you're trying to cycle someone back in, cycling someone out or know someone who's looking for someone I have, vm or pm me. ^^
Many Thanks!
No problem, I just got back. I'll get her in.
Ok. I'll be ready.
- - - Post Merge - - -
Ok, there's a thunderstorm passing over soon, my internet/power has a habit of going out with any type of inclement weather sooo I'll let you know.
long, tall, skinny, I might disappear.
No problem, I just got back. I'll get her in.
Ok. I'll be ready.
- - - Post Merge - - -
Ok, there's a thunderstorm passing over soon, my internet/power has a habit of going out with any type of inclement weather sooo I'll let you know.
long, tall, skinny, I might disappear.
you can do whoever 1st.. im visiting my newborn nephew, ii should be home in like an hr or so
Could I get Deirdre from you please?![]()