• Come and see the official gallery showcasing all of your creative entries from The Bell Tree Fair 2024. In addition, the winners for the final raffles have been drawn! Click here for the event's final closing announcement.

Mafia Redd's Revenge - Game Thread [GAME OVER]


Something or Other
Jun 2, 2023
Throwback Tickets
Galaxy Cupcake
Friday the 13th Candy
Friday the 13th Candy
Friday the 13th Candy
Yellow Star Fragment
Galaxy Easter Egg
Yellow Star Fragment
Space Whale Plush
Galaxolotl Star Fragment
Opalescent Crystal
Redd's Revenge Main.jpg

Voting Thread

Day One June 12th | Night One June 14th
Day Two June 15th | Night Two June 17th
Day Three June 18th | Night Three June 20th
Day Four June 21st | Final Results June 22nd


Name (Pronouns)​
Role (If Any)​
1. @shellbell [she/her]​
Exiled Day 1
Innocent Villager
2. @voltairenism [any]​
Wart Jr.​
Exiled Day 4
Cousin (M. of D.)
3. @FrostyAlmonds [she/her]​
Exiled Day 2
Cousin (Hacker)
4. @ribbitribbon [he/she]​
Kidnapped Night 1
5. @Dinosaur [she/her]​
Innocent Villager
6. @tisABongo [he/him]​
7. @Doo [she/her]​
Exiled Day 3
Innocent Villager
Kidnapped Night 3
Innocent Villager
9. @N e s s [he/him]​
Kidnapped Night 2
Katrina Deliverer


7 Villagers | 2 Cousins | 1 Katrina Deliverer



The island villagers win when all cousins of Redd's Gang are successfully exiled off the island. Only the Guardian can target themselves.

You watch the security cameras outside villager houses and observe movements. You target a player's home security system to watch, and receive a report detailing which players visited your target's home that night. You are not told what actions those players performed on them. If a visiting player also has their role blocked by the Hacker, they will not show up in the report. If a criminal attempts to kidnap the target but fails, they will still show up in the report as a visitor. You cannot target the same player consecutively.
You act as a savior for the villagers by building temporary barricades around their houses that the criminals (usually) cannot intrude upon. You prevent your target from being kidnapped that night. You are allowed to temporarily barricade your own house. You are not notified if your target was successfully protected. You cannot target the same player consecutively.
You are an innocent islander attempting to save yourself from exile and criminal break-ins. You have no special abilities.



Redd's Gang wins when his cousins equal or outnumber the remaining villagers. One villager can be targeted for burglary/kidnapping per night, and can be performed by any cousin alongside the role they were given, if any. You can choose to not perform a burglary/kidnapping at any time. If a target was protected by the Guardian, they can be targeted again the following night.

You disguise yourself as other villagers, implicating them in crimes. Your target will appear in the Watcher's report instead of yourself. You cannot target the same player consecutively.
Through the power of technology, you are able to prevent villagers with roles from completing their tasks. You block your target from performing their action that night. Only the Watcher will be informed they were blocked. You cannot target the same player consecutively. Your role is useless against Katrina's Deliverer.

One Katrina Deliverer


Alongside the above three power roles, there is an additional deliverer role assigned to a random villager. Katrina has blessed them with the power to deliver magical luck to two targets of their choosing. They may choose to use this power at any point during the day, and can only use their role twice for the entire game. Depending on the players they target, the deliverer may either help the islanders defend better against Redd's Gang for a night, or accidentally help the cousins perform their actions more swiftly.

Any role affected by magic will either gain an advantage or lose a critical ability for one night, depending on which kind of magic is sent.

  • The Deliverer has Good Luck Magic and Bad Luck Magic. Both operate slightly different, and the role itself is completely immune to the Hacker. If they decide to use their role, they must PM me during the day. Do NOT ask to use the role at night or publicly state so in the thread.
    • The purpose of Good Luck Magic is to help a villager with a power role defend better against Redd's Gang for the entire town. The purpose of Bad Luck Magic is to hinder the progress of a cousin with a power role.
    • This role will only be assigned to a random town villager without an existing power role. No one can hold two power roles at the same time.
    • As these powers can only be used twice (one source of magic per target), it is wise to target someone you know for a fact will help the villagers at the right time. Target poorly, and you may either waste the magic or end up helping the cousins!
  • The player they target must already have a power role in order for the magic to work. The Deliverer cannot target themselves. If they target an ordinary villager, the magic is considered wasted and nothing related to their role will happen during the night.
    • The deliverer is not informed if their targets have a role, and must wait until the next day to determine if any magical luck took place.
    • The targeted player will be informed at the beginning of the night if they were struck with good luck, and at the end of the night if struck with bad luck.
    • An explanation will also be given to the target as to what was affected regarding their role. The deliverer remains anonymous the entire time until they are kidnapped/exiled, as well as how their magic affects their target's luck.
    • At the beginning of the game, the deliverer will receive a list of how their magic affects the roles of others, so that they can better make their choice.
  • Depending on the target, an announcement may be made the next day if the Deliverer greatly affected the outcome of what was supposed to occur overnight. Such announcements will not be made for ordinary roles (e.g. Guardian saving a Resident targeted for kidnapping).
  • In the event that the deliverer is voted off on the same day they choose to use their two-time role, their magic will still work going into the night.

  • Days will be 48 hours and nights will be 24 hours unless otherwise stated later in the game. Phase start/end times will be at 7pm EST.
  • Nights are silent. Please do not post during the night, even if the thread is left open.
  • You must vote every day, even if you do not want to exile anyone. Failure to do so for two consecutive days will result in your removal from the game.
  • Replacements will be put on standby until the start of Day 3. Afterwards, any remaining slots will be mod-killed. Please PM me if you need to drop out for any reason.
  • Voting is plurality. The player with the most votes at the end of the day will be eliminated. In the case of a tie, the elimination will be randomly decided between the tied players.
  • You may change your vote as many times as you'd like. You may vote for no exile. You may not vote for yourself.
  • If you have a night action, you can change your action target as many times as you'd like. You are not required to perform your action every night, but please let me know if you are not going to target anyone. If you are assigned to be Katrina's Deliverer, you're only required to notify me if you plan on targeting someone for the next night.
  • Villagers are assigned based off each players' preferred Animal Crossing villager personality, and are randomly chosen. Villagers that obviously resemble either alignment were excluded from being assigned.
  • Please refrain from using the words "scum" or "lynch" in the game. Use the terms "kidnap/rob" over "kill" if possible. Don't use obvious swears, even if TBT automatically censors them. Use of harmful or derogatory language in general will be strictly enforced.
  • The Discord mafia and observer chats will be made public after the game ends.
  • This game will also adhere to the standard mafia rules below...

Cheating includes (but is not limited to):
1. Posting after death. You may have one polite goodbye post, but it may not contain any potentially game-changing information (i.e. a detective's results).
2. Ruining the game by doing something like handing out your mafia's member list to the town.
3. Logging on to someone else's account to get their role or looking over someone's shoulder to get their role.
4. Comparing role PM timings to try and work out roles.
5. Posting or sharing any PM you receive from a host without permission.
6. Getting yourself mod-killed to help your team. Your non-majority-decided death may not be used as a bargaining chip.
7. Signing up more than once using smurf accounts.
8. Offering favors/items/bells outside of the game for in-game information.
9. Sharing accounts with other players.
10. Breadcrumbing the specific phrasing of your role PM. Do not compare the phrasing in your role PM to prove your alignment. You can claim the abilities you have, but you can't use the specific phrasing of your role PM.
11. Posting a false PM phrased as if you received it from the host. You can still fake role-claim, but you cannot make it look like you are posting a PM you received from the host.



You must contribute one substantial post at least once a Day. This means that if you only make one post, it needs to be more substantial than simply saying "I agree" or "RIP". Please be on your best behavior during this game.

Editing is not allowed under any normal circumstances and can only be done under the orders of TBT staff. Unapproved editing will result in a warning. After that, you will be mod-killed.

Inappropriate posts:
Mafia games can get heated and emotional. Please keep it civil and remember that what happens in Mafia stays in Mafia.

Play to win.
You should try your best to help your team win while you are alive and in the game.

The Bell Tree Rules and Guidelines:
All players must comply with the rules and guidelines of the larger TBT forum. TBT moderators can step in at any time if forum rules have been broken. For more information please see the rules and guidelines thread. Furthermore, the Cellar has its own specific rules and guidelines that you should read here before playing the game. For any questions and concerns please contact a staff member.
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It was another ordinary morning. Isabelle walked into the island's Resident Services office to find Tom Nook's side all messy. Several papers were scattered all over the floor, and the tanuki himself was nowhere to be seen. Isabelle called out his name several times, but no answer. On the screen of Nook's laptop was a message typed up by an anonymous individual...


Isabelle glanced over, and saw another eerily similar note laying on the desk...


"Cousins? Redd is behind this?!" she exclaimed, "why would he commit this egregious act? Are there really phony villagers hiding amongst the populace?" There was no time to waste, as Isabelle had to act quickly to get these mysterious-yet-scary villagers off the island before the crimes get worse. Problem with that, though, was that she had no idea who these "cousins" were, coupled with the fact that the island does not already have any form of law enforcement help.

Being the next-in-charge on the island, she decided to enact one of the island emergency plans, codenamed Tango-Foxtrot-1. This meant that the island residents must figure out amongst themselves who is secretly working for Redd and exile them on a day-to-day basis until the island is safe from crime again. Villagers that are voted off would be flown out via DAL plane to the closest coastal city to be investigated by the police, which is several thousand miles away. A downside to this plan is that DAL policy would require an exiled villager's visa and return flight plans to be burned immediately, which meant that once the seaplane leaves, it won't come back for quite a while. It was a risk she was willing to take for the safety of everyone.

A search has begun to find Mr. Nook, though Redd will need to be stopped first before there is any chance of finding the tanuki. Redd is a sneaky fox who is very good at twisting others' minds in his favor, so stopping him and his cousins won't be easy. He must be stopped before he claims the island paradise to himself! Can you help Isabelle out by removing the bad apples?


The game has now begun. You have 48 hours to exile the first "cousin" off the island.

Click here to vote when you're ready. Voting ends this Friday at 7PM EST.

Remember, please notify me if you have questions or must leave the game at any point.
The replacements will be on standby until the start of Day 3.

Katrina Deliverer, if you choose to use either of your magic powers, please send me a PM before the start of Night 1.
You are not required to notify me if you do not plan to use your role today.

@N e s s
someone who works with tom nook, discreetly passing information to redd about his whereabouts, allowing him to be snatched in the night…

that does it.

##vote: Isabelle
well damniel looks like it’s just you and me

any thoughts on people being kidnapped? maybe we can buy tom nook back from redd with our cousin discounts.
well damniel looks like it’s just you and me

any thoughts on people being kidnapped? maybe we can buy tom nook back from redd with our cousin discounts
Its a small game so anyone’s up for grabs
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I will say I’m looking forward to playing with these new faces bongo and doo
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ness is too quiet it’s time to vote
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Does anyone want to start an alliance with me? Quid pro quo I won’t vote you ever
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Addendum I can vote you but you can’t vote me… and we’ll solve the game together!!