Mafia Redd's Revenge - Game Thread [GAME OVER]

vote ribbit

ness rolled town 3 games in a row so he must be maf this time

no he ignored my pleads for an alliance this time! very fishy indeed

It's early for an assessment like this, but what odds would you put on myself being teamed with either Ribbit or Dinosaur if its so fishy?

Not a team with ribbit I think. I didn't catch if dino responded to your alliance, but if not, not a team with dino.

Interesting though- the responses to my "nothing fishy there".
You seem a bit defensive, but that actually seems normal. 😅
Ribbit responded with a (i assumed joking) reason you'd be fishy.

I don't think it's you rn.

uh… hi.

….i’m here


i don’t have anything funny to say

Hi shell! Welcome to the game!
Not a team with ribbit I think. I didn't catch if dino responded to your alliance, but if not, not a team with dino.
In such a small game like this I’m not going to start crossing off teams right off the bat. But if you think Ness is just town that’s a different thing
In such a small game like this I’m not going to start crossing off teams right off the bat. But if you think Ness is just town that’s a different thing

Yeah i think ness is just town. So if it's one of the others, i dont think they're teamed with ness. Just my right now read on ness.
every time i read an old game and i see ness’ early game posts i always just think “its ness its ness he’s going to (kidnap) them all”. same feeling right now lol
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there’s no actual reason to sus ness that i can see though
There’s not need to worry my friends, this is the third game in a row I’ve rolled town! On mama!
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That being said good post from Betsy. Daniel’s response to my meme question kinda stinks but only slightly, don’t think it would have been hard to say “I’m not teamed with either of them” or something to that vein.

Everyone else is still kinda checking in. I’m off to make dinner now!
every time i read an old game and i see ness’ early game posts i always just think “its ness its ness he’s going to (kidnap) them all”. same feeling right now lol
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there’s no actual reason to sus ness that i can see though
What old game did you read?
Oh interesting Ness left such a strong impression on you after all this time
in those games people talked a lot about ness, like the way everyone is talking about ness in this game, he’s like one of the main characters of tbt mafia
I dont know alot about ness (or really anyone) but he seems to be acting similar to the way he did last game so I'm not suspicious yet. (Im gonna try to be more helpful this game lol)

Hi everyone! I’m so confused 😂
Hi! Welcome!
There’s enough of me to go around folks, how about that Daniel guy isn’t he handsome? Maybe a little sussy?
There’s enough of me to go around folks, how about that Daniel guy isn’t he handsome? Maybe a little sussy?
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the only thing i find weird about him is how betsy chose to ignore this question
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It’s not a serious question
like i mean this could just be your joke not landing
if you really think it’s nerves let’s discuss
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