Reindeer Roundup - Done! (Answers Revealed)

Four reindeer safe and sound. Can you help the next two?🦌

Reindeer #5
Posted: Dec 18​
Prize: 3 Gumdrops​
I don't think I was this color when we started.

Reindeer #6
Posted: Dec 18​
Prize: 3 Gumdrops​
Playing matchmaker with dreamie denizens.​
I got 6 right away, not sure about 5 yet though

If you like to imagine/wish that characters were a couple, then what is it that you like to do?
Found #6! 🎉💪🏻 I wasn’t expecting to be able to find both reindeer tonight with how foggy my brain has been all day lol, but I’m happy!

I can’t think of a hint that would be more helpful than the hint that Asarena has already provided, but searching up the exact definition for “denizen” could help in narrowing down what you’re looking for. I also think it’s important to note the usage of “dreamie” opposed to “dreamy”.
I can't believe I was right on both of those right away xD

I do have personal experience in both
Pretty sure I've got the right keyword to search for 6. Might take a while to narrow it down (tomorrow, lol). idea! 😅 Not yet, at least...
I have found both #5 and #6.

#6 was the quickest for me to find, but #5 took a lot longer, but still quick.

I guess #2 I may never find perhaps.
Hmmm...seems like perhaps I've been making these last few too easy. Might have to give you more of a challenge for the next round.
