Hey guys! I'm Emma (Yes, I'm a girl...hopefully all of you know that!) I joined the previous TBT on the date of 24th January 2010 (Back then my username was EmzStar which I stopped using last May).
Some (Not so) Interesting facts: (Some aren't actually facts, just my personal beliefs)
- I'm TBT's biggest Doctor Who fan,
- I come from Colchester, Essex, which is in England (Home of Classic Doctor Who (AKA pre-2005))
- I'm 14 years old, in Year 10, studying for my GCSEs and I go to the Philip Morant School and College. (That is I am now, so if some troll bumps this in the future don't get confused.)
These were my interests on my profile on TBT numero uno:
Doctor Who (Reading the books, watching new and old episodes and writing fanfiction that no-one will ever read), Torchwood (reading the books, watching the episodes on DVD and writing fanfiction that no-one will ever read), Watching Sherlock, it's the best TV show ever, when Doctor Who isn't on. Cricket (I maybe rubbish at it but I still love it!), Sims 3, Pokemon (games only, the Anime has gotten worse recently) and last but not least: Arguing.
So yeah, thanks for reading..........