One of the spikes somewhere had to deal with Nsider closing, if I do recall correctly.
Red is banned.
Why do you hate me, Jer-Bear?
I didn't realize the City Folk spike was so... substantial. Jesus.
I'm amazed the AC:WW spike wasn't bigger, but then I suppose there were other forums around at that time, and TBT was still newish.
Yeah, and we didn't have such a big promotion.
Also, the game was hyped for a while (since it was only the second one), so we were talking about it for a while before it was released too.
Do you plan on promoting AC3DS as much as you did ACCF? Also, I bet I lot of the conversation was in the brawl threads after the initial spike. Then when brawl died on TBT there were a lot less posts too. We used to spam those brawl threads so hard ='(
Red is banned.
Why do you hate me, Jer-Bear?
I didn't realize the City Folk spike was so... substantial. Jesus.