Remember to Get Your Flu Shots


Frost Egg Collector
Mar 2, 2018
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Red Pikmin Easter Egg
Pink Hybrid Tulip
Frost Easter Egg
Frost Easter Egg
Pink Hybrid Lily
Purple Violet
White Pansy
Frost Easter Egg
Frost Easter Egg
Blue Feather
Just thought I'd post this in order to help spread awareness. This year's influenza has been particularly bad, with it affecting significantly more young people than usual, and a number of deaths already being recorded in Canada. Given how deadly this outbreak seems and the demographics of this forum, I'd highly advise getting your flu shot. As far as I know they're free in most areas and they don't take very long.

What I usually do to help distract from the pain is to take a chocolate bar and eat it while getting the needle. It really helps, at least for me.
Thank you for sharing! Thankfully I got mine in November. I hope nobody here gets sick!
I got mine late last December.:) I don't think I got one the year before because I absolutely hate getting shots and try to get as little as possible during physicals, but I figured it was a good idea to get a flu shot and just take another shot, it will be worth it.
I typically don't get flu shots because they always make me ungodly sick- I haven't gotten them in years. Buuut- I feel like my immune system isn't that bad or compromised cause I rarely get sick or badly sick anymore so I don't exactly know why that used to happen? Granted I was younger.

For the sake of people around me I think I'm gonna start getting my flu shots once I turn 18. Herd immunity and all that. I'd rather not me be responsible for making other people sick.
I've never gotten a flu shot in my life... o: Is that common in the US? (European here!)
ExCUse mE. DoN'T YOu kNoW tHAT VacCInEs aRe bAD foR You?

Just kidding. Got mine a few months ago. I feel bad for people who can't get them because their parents don't believe in vaccines.
(I just got like five or so vaccines less than two years ago, just never gotten a flu shot.)
I've never gotten a flu shot in my life... o: Is that common in the US? (European here!)

I?d say it?s close to 50-50 in the U.S., maybe 60-40 with flu shots. I know a lot of people who don?t get flu shots because they don?t believe it?s worth their time, especially if it?s a different strain of flu than they?re vaccinated for. Also I?m pretty sure they?re not free in the U.S., but correct me if I?m wrong. I haven?t gotten the flu shot in years and have only really had the flu bad once (last year, was sick for a few days), but it?s not a bad idea to get one, especially if you can get it for free.
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I don't think I've ever gotten a flu shot, not that I can remember! Not really concerned though. What I hate is people who judge others for not getting it though! That **** pisses me off.
I typically don't get flu shots because they always make me ungodly sick- I haven't gotten them in years. Buuut- I feel like my immune system isn't that bad or compromised cause I rarely get sick or badly sick anymore so I don't exactly know why that used to happen? Granted I was younger.

For the sake of people around me I think I'm gonna start getting my flu shots once I turn 18. Herd immunity and all that. I'd rather not me be responsible for making other people sick.

A lot of my family members have complained of falling sick as well after having the flu shots, so I avoid them for this reason. I can live through a blocked nose once in a while, don't bother me lol!
I work with children, so its pretty much not an option for me not to get one. I don't want to be the reason a small child gets sick because they can't get a shot when I was just too lazy to go do it. Plus a lot of places give out a gift card or something for getting shots done there! Got $30 worth of publix cards when my fiance and I got them done this year, and that's almost a week's worth of groceries for free.
Already got mine, thanks for the reminder! It's always good to get those, as I had once a bad flu and it was the worst thing ever for me, had to deal with stupid sore throat for weeks, cough the whole time, couldn't do anything as everything just hurt, never again please...
In my area (in Canada) the vaccine is just free for pregnant women and people having chronic diseases. It cost around $30-50 for everybody else.

I already got H1N1 and H3N2 a long time ago. I didn't get sick for long, like 3 days but I couldn't move at all, my body was aching all over, I couldn't even open my eyes while my kitten was biting my face.

I often get sick but it never last long unlike my brother who never get sick but when he does, he's sick for weeks.

- - - Post Merge - - -

A lot of my family members have complained of falling sick as well after having the flu shots, so I avoid them for this reason. I can live through a blocked nose once in a while, don't bother me lol!

The flu is more than a stuffed nose, it's not a common cold.