🍁 REMINDER: Maple Season is over! 🍁🍁🍁

It's so exciting to see all the trees continue to change! I couldn't stop myself, I tt'd to tomorrow. The maple leaves are so pretty. Haven't had much luck with the balloons yet though! I'll have to wait and see what the next week or so brings!
Time to subject myself to the horrors of balloon farming all over again "OTL
I just hope I can get all of them and the remaining four mushroom DIYs before Friday.
My work schedule doesn’t let me play very often, so I have come to despise balloon DIYs. I don’t even have all the acorn ones yet. And it is infuriating to play on my day off, shoot down five balloons in a row, and not a single one is a DIY. I guess I’ll have to look at trading.
Nice post, thank you. On an added note, wind direction sometimes can be checked by looking at the clouds (if there is any, not useful on a clear day) or villagers house chimney smoke, for example, if you see the smoke/clouds travelling to the west (from right to left ) the balloon will appear on the Eastern beach. Someone mentioned they were checking both beach's with no luck. I also find having the volume up helps as there is an extra gushing of wind, that gets louder when you are closer, when one appears in the area and is an extra alert if you are doing something else on your island.
Thanks for the PSA! I've been TT'ing around for landscaping purposes and I'm in the end of maple season right now, but I can't wait for everyone else to experience it! Its really pretty and really gets you in the cozy mood :)
I’m suddenly having ptsd remembering cherry blossom diy hunting. ☹️

thanks for the heads up about the maple leaves!
I'm southern hemisphere so that will not be happening for me. lol. I can TT to the exact time though and shoot some balloons but too much effort and time. Rather just buy them here for TBT.
These DIYs can only be obtained from any colored balloons.
false villagers and bottles can give them too seen a lot of streamers that TT have villagers on their islands making the Maple Leaf DIYs it's rare but can happen
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false villagers and bottles can give them too
You keep saying that. But myself, most people I've talked to, and most resources I've read says otherwise. I'd like to believe. But I've played the game daily and I never obtained any seasonal DIYs from my villagers or bottles. Ever. Except Spooky, of course.

If anyone can provide a screenshot/video that proves these recipes can actually be obtained from crafting villagers and bottles, then that would be great. Because that would certainly give us hope and less trouble.
seeing everyone's comments im glad i made the decision back in september, after the TBT fair, to TT and work on getting the Autumn/Mush/Maple DIYs early whether from balloons or from trades.
i wish you all luck on getting the recipes, i can see why its stressful with the upcoming update approaching.
stress aside, maple season is beautiful, so hope you all enjoy catching the maple leaves while waiting for incoming balloons
Took a huge bulk of the weekend but I finally have all the mush DIYs, whew. Looking forward to the maple leaves and hope the balloon grinding’s not too painful!

I know they’re very helpful in the early stages of the game but I really could do without balloons containing bells, iron or clay at this point...
thanks for the reminder! i honestly forgot until i saw this thread aha. thankfully, i bought all of the autumn diys ages ago and so i won’t be having to grind for anything but i’m excited to finally catch some maple leaves! i’ll bet they’re gonna
look really pretty flying around :^)
After the huge struggle of the mushroom diys which I ended up having to buy, I managed to get all the 8 maple diys (excluding the one from Isabelle) in about 5 hours today. Good luck to all of you who will be searching for the DIYs!
I'm hoping the spawn rate for the leaves are a bit higher than the acorns and pinecones. I need to create a lot of the leaf piles (about 25). I'm excited to build the other DIYs as well, so I will have to do a lot of grinding!
I'm hoping the spawn rate for the leaves are a bit higher than the acorns and pinecones. I need to create a lot of the leaf piles (about 25). I'm excited to build the other DIYs as well, so I will have to do a lot of grinding!
I got around 50 maple leaves within an hour. And that includes missing several leaves and idling.

Also, rather than running, I just walked. Running past the floating maple leaves sometimes causes them to fade away. It also helped that there are times where 2-3 leaves are fluttering near each other.
How many maple leaves does it take to complete the series?

PS- after just 2 hours of doing leaf catching I feel really bad for people with reflex issues, they should at least give you 4 tries to catch the leaf before it poofs instead of the 1 extra try
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Just in time :) I love autumn! (I'm pretty sure I've made it obvious by now lol)

I hoarded lots of maple leaves already, same with acorns and pinecones. The maple/mush DIY furniture are some of my favorites, along with bamboo and cherry blossoms.

Balloons are a nightmare, yes, but there's a pattern to them. I typically watch TV while farming balloons (I camp near the beach with slingshot in hand).
in case someone doesn't have time to get all the DIYs or is not in the mood of hunting balloons here is a link my sale of Seasonal DIYs which i might help anyone who is not in the mood to do it the traditional way 💛 .
