Resetti "May be disturbing to young children"

when AC:GC first came out and I reseted for the first time... Resitti was soo funny!
what kind of kid would get scared of that?
(what a silly plush resitti, I want one) :]
Wow. I can see Ressetti on America's Most Wanted now. oooo I'm so scared, evil mole comes and haunts little kids giving them perpetual nightmares....xD
the comments were funnier.

What's this? Warning parents about my lectures?

Let me tell you something, Mr. Nintendo, or whatever your name is. When I tell you not to turn the console off, you don't turn the console off. If you don't have the brains to listen to my advice, then you deserve whatever you get.

It's not a difficult concept. I don't see why parents should be concerned about their kids when they can't be bothered to teach their kids simple manners. I don't go over to your grandmother's house and turn her console off, do I? Then don't turn myconsole off.

Oh, oh. You needed to go to school? Well TOUGH LUCK, mister. You should have thought of that before you took on the responsibility of a mortgage. It's not MY fault you didn't do your homework last night. Maybe if you spent more time studying and less time collecting fruit, you'd have made something of yourself by now instead of wasting your time playing video games.

What's that you say? You wanted to play that Super Smash Brothers? Is that what you kids are into these days? Listen, mister. If you spent more time in the garden and less time in front of the TV, you could be enjoying a nicely cooked squash right about now. What's that? You've never had squash before? WHAT KIND OF DIET ARE YOU KIDS ON THESE DAYS.

I swear, it's like they never taught nutrition in schools. Seriously, you shouldn't be the ones listening to me, it should be their parents. What do they feed you these days? Hamburgers? Chicken nuggets? That's not the kind of energy-building food you need if you want to get ahead in life, kid. That kind of thinkin' is only going to lead to you one place - Heartattacksville.

Don't you laugh, I'm serious. I once knew a guy who lived on nothing but hot dogs, and you know where he ended up? Working at a hot dog stand. Is that where YOU want to end up? I didn't think so.

Woooooooah, wait a minute there, buster. I see your mouse cursor hovering over that X button. Don't you even think about it. If you close this browser, I'm going to talk your ear off until you get it through your thick head. You think I enjoy giving these lectures? You think I get pleasure out of talking your ear off until you get the message?

Well I do. And if you don't like it, well you can go off and play your Mario Galaxies, and your Wii Musics until your fingers drop off. And I hope they do. At least that way you won't be able to grip one of those greasy hot dogs again.

I trust we understand each other?
XD That is the funniest thing I've ever read, right there ^

I remember reading another comment that said this:

"It's safe to say Resetti doesn't just break the fourth wall; he lives amung its rubble."
Lol in brawl if you hit resetii a lot he gives a small explosion sometimes. I had one KO me during a match. but yes he is scary. anyone been to his house in the city yet? he's never open for me...
coffeebean! said:
Wow. I can see Ressetti on America's Most Wanted now. oooo I'm so scared, evil mole comes and haunts little kids giving them perpetual nightmares....xD
lol the freddy kruger of animal crossing... :gyroiddance:
Mr. Resetti is disturbing to look at! He teaches a kinda good lesson though....and can get annoying at times!