Resetting is painful! Anyone else reset?


Senior Member
Mar 18, 2020
I got the game 2 days after release due to store closing and I had to reset on Day 5.

My map layout is just plain awful (its the one where the ocean mouth is both at the bottom).

Even with terraforming, you can't change the ocean mouth as terraforming stop one square
before the last patches of grass reach the sand.

I didn't realize how long the resetting process was as without Rover, you can't get another
set of island layouts so you had to redo the whole process again.

I'm on my 6th reset (2nd one was near perfect minus the villagers) and I won't know until
I get my pole vault and explore further. Not happy that I didn't get the green airport.

Did any of you guys reset after spending several days in game?
I reset a lot before I actually started the game, but I haven't yet reset since starting. I don't think I'd be able to do that easily unless something very horrible happened. I made sure I was happy with everything about my map before starting the game officially
I didn't reset after starting. But I did spend 2.5 hours resetting the first night. So I sympathize with your pain right now.
I wouldn't reset. I already spent almost 50 hours on this game. xD
Honestly I reset a ton, partially so I could have an island with both river mouths at the bottom, the island plaza directly across from the airport, and apples. It was suprisingly easy to eat my ideal island, but it took forever to get apples! I think I went through over 30 islands before I finally found apples.
I reset about four times the night I got it, I only wanted apples and two cute starter villagers; which was what I got :D
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I reset on day 3 because I didn't like my layout and have been TTing and I didn't like the fact that it went too fast (even now that I'm back at a normal pace, I feel like the Resident Service upgrades comes too soon and ruins the deserted island vibe...)
It was soooo long.
Thankfully I had a friend keeping my bells and favorite items before.
I don't plan on resetting any time soon !
I got a map I loved first try. I actually have one that both ends of the river dump into the ocean at the bottom but I like that. I like having a division in the beach because I can organize and decorate each section differently with different themes. Sure, moving around to them is a bit of a pain/requires me to keep a pole vault if I don't want to run up to my bridges, but it doesn't bug me.
I wouldn't reset. I already spent almost 50 hours on this game. xD

This mirrors my thoughts, haha. I'd lose way too much progress if I reset. I'm happy with apples/yellow airport and the starting layout so I don't feel the need to reset anyway.
i was planning on resetting if i didn't get peaches but i lucked out and gottem first try! too bad i only found out you start with one type of flower in the beginning after i was well into my game :( wanted roses but oh well
I reset after picking my island name, literally as I clicked the accept button I thought of a better name. :p
This is pretty rude, dude.

Well you aren't going to ever be happy, it seems. You'll just keep resetting and always find something you don't like, reset, rinse, and repeat. And then keep complaining on the forums about it. There is nothing people on here can do for you. You caused the problem for yourself.
I reset a couple of times to get apples, a blue airport, a west/east outlet and a good residents services location.

I ended up getting apples, a red airport, an east outlet and a RS location that's perfectly in line with the airport and really close to the edge of the island and I love it. I couldn't reset for a blue airport because everything else was too perfect.
I reset a total of 17 times to get Hazel as a starting villager and all the island layouts they gave me are... bad. But, hey! I got a dreamie on day one so!
I plan on resetting when I get the game, any tips for a good layout?

This is a very personal thing. In my experience, you gotta have a feel of the island first. When I got the game I was resetting for a map with one south exit and one in either west or east with apples as fruits. However, I fell in love with peaches in game and ended up loving the map with the double south exit so I guess you’ll never really know until you’ve explored the island and feel that feeling of “this is home”.
I plan on resetting when I get the game, any tips for a good layout?
There's some things you can never change:

Native fruit (apples, oranges, cherries, peaches, pears)
Airport colour (red/orange, blue, yellow, green)
River exits (double south, one south one east, one south one west)
Residents Services and Airport location (airport is always south, RS is in a random location near the south of the island in between the two river exits)

Everything else can be changed at some point. There's not really any advantages/disadvantages so it's up to you what you want.
I was 4 or 5 days into the game and was just too unhappy with my layout, fruit, flowers and starting villagers. I built all three houses before going on any island tours, so I got three random villagers I did not like. And I was really unhappy with my island name. So I thought "Screw that, I'm too much of a perfectionist". Luckily a really nice person here was willing to hold my bells, resources, furniture and clothing for a few hours while I set up my new island.

And it was so worth it!! Though it did take me almost 2 hours to find the perfect map+fruit+starter villagers. This time I was able to go on many more island tours and find some of my favourite villagers! Now I'm TTing to catch up with everyone else~