Resetting is painful! Anyone else reset?

I was really fortunate.

The choice between the four maps yielded one that met my needs:

• The Town Plaza is in the middle.
• Dodo Airlines (DAL) building is in yellow. (It was my No. 1. I would have also liked blue or green as alternatives.)
• Native fruit is the Apple.

So, I accepted the island. And, although I have not reached a point of terraforming, I am very satisfied.
I've "played" this game for 50 hours now and with "played" I mean resetting. I've not really played a single minute yet and I'm about to take a break for quite some time because everything is horrible. Apparently, getting a blue airport and peaches is absolutely impossible and since I'm going for a specific map that pops up maybe once every 3-4 hours on average, it's nothing but frustrating. One would assume that all fruits would be able to spawn equally, but I've had apples once, pears twice and the rest of the tries were cherries. I didn't even see peaches so far.

It's impossible and beyond frustrating. :(
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I didn't know the river mouths were permanent and about the airport color. I chose a map out of my first four. Mostly based on the Plaza location. Never really thought about resetting for other options. I wanted Apples or Oranges. I got Peaches. Was not happy about it. I learned about airport color. I have Green. Was unhappy about it. I would have wanted Blue or Orange. But you know what..... after playing for a week. Having Peaches and a Green airport doesn't bother me at all anymore. I grew to accept them. And I'm in love with other features of my island. No way I would reset my progress now. To each their own I guess. But this is what it was like for me to pick a layout.
so I can only imagine the struggle of resetting for that perfect town/island layout.
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I only reset for my native fruit and the residential area at the bottom, but I also got lucky with my airport color. Of course not everything is perfectly easy to work with, my beach has some odd rock placements, but it's so easy to go crazy over meaningless details and miss the fun of the game. Like, you should have stopped at the perfect map with the bad villagers. If it can be changed, deal with it.
I terraformed my entire island and am STILL considering erasing and resetting my entire game just to get lilies as my native flower thanks to the flower conundrum/theory.

Only thing holding me back is all the fossils and fish my museum has, since march is ending. My boyfriend could hold all my important furniture and bells for me if I did this..

Hope Nintendo fixes the flower thing, or we eventually find out a way to unlock all flowers so I don't have to erase all my progress..
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i only reset once before choosing a map andi low key regret it. i have been thinking about resetting my town but idk i dont want to lose a week of progress
I have not reset since starting but I definetely spent a good long time resetting at first. I just wanted a green aiprort man.
Did it take me ages to get my green airport? Yes.
Was it a pain? Yes
Was it worth it because not only did I get my green airport but my fave native flower, second favourite native fruit, island layout close enough to my final plan and one decent starting villager along with it? Absolutely
I reset on day one for a few hours to find my favorite map I like. Since I swore to myself to not ending up in another reset madness like I did in New Leaf, where I just kept a town for like an week before I reset it again for dumb reasons, I wanted to find the perfect map which I will keep right at the start. And it works pretty good actually.
Well you aren't going to ever be happy, it seems. You'll just keep resetting and always find something you don't like, reset, rinse, and repeat. And then keep complaining on the forums about it. There is nothing people on here can do for you. You caused the problem for yourself.

This is literally a post specifically for complaining about resetting. Why are you here?
When I started, I had no idea the river mouths were fixed, so I just settled for a map where the city hall was at a nice place. Had I known, I would have taken the time to reset a few times, both river mouths facing south is... Painful. A friend of mine has been lucky enough to get a wonderful map on first try, with river mouths facing south and west. Everytime I visit him I wish I had such a map. I'm satisfied with my airport colour though, got the one I wanted : blue. Got peaches and tulips also, not the ones I love the most but I just replaced them all with other kinds of fruits and flowers :) I'm too far in the game now to even think about resetting now haha.
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