Resident Services: What would you take?

I would take items g, h, and 9!
g and h would work well with my kitchen room in my house (plus I like how the mugs are upside down)
and 9 looks super cute in general
Love this post as someone else said, find it super cute hahah 💛 . Well let see i would take the following; ç

17. pot of flowers ( i dream of the day we can use not just a vase but pot of our own flowers and maybe even be able to arrange the flowers that will be in the vases )
E. Planner
G. Unused mugs
You just named exactly the 3 items I want lol
I arrived late at the Black Friday sale, most things are already missing :ROFLMAO:

However, I'll try to take:

a) Nook's poster promoting the getaway package. The one on the left wall.
b) The island mat on Isabelle's side. Let me hang my own creation on my house walls or put it as a welcome mat.
c) The little bag on Isabelle's desk. It's probably her lunch and I'll feel bad about it later.
i mean, this is assuming that most of my wacky grumpies haven't already ransacked the place with chrissy's help 😂

1) h. i'm too addicted to coffee not to.
2) e. i'm obsessed with planning, and journalism, so i think the kettle and planner will go hand in hand.
3) youdidn'tgiveitanumberorletter. i really want isabelle's lunch bag, or whatever the feck that thing is hanging off her side of the desk. it looks adorable, and it looks homemade, and i think you could totally wrap up a nice lunch in there - i want it, pwease.
1. ABD (I always want to access it on the opposite side of the island. OTL)
2. Flower Pot / Pencil Holder (More small items to center on a table or clutter a desk.)
3. Wall Calendar (More wall items would be nice.)
Oh I know and the reason I couldn't tell if it painted on the desk. In the image it looks painted but in this image, it's not:


also that iced tea 👀

I was trying to get all the smalls but yeah, feel free to take apart the image as much as you guys want, lol. 😅
Oh I know and the reason I couldn't tell if it painted on the desk. In the image it looks painted but in this image, it's not:


also that iced tea 👀

I was trying to get all the smalls but yeah, feel free to take apart the image as much as you guys want, lol. 😅
it took me forever to even notice she had a bag attached to her desk when she first started coming around for me, don't feel bad 🖤
all of her beverages are worthy of being stolen, too.
But to answer my own question:

Door: I just really want a door.
Front Desk: looks cool to use for a bar and I just imagine myself hauling that thing out. I'd probably take out a few people. 😱
Mugs: they're cute especially if you think they'd be customizable but I don't know if I'm ready to enter a throwdown over mugs.

I'm surprised how many people want the atm machine. 😂
Nothing except the ABD.

I miss being able to buy that like we could in NL.
The recycle bin, the potted plant - but it's gonna have to be the blue pansy version they have out in winter -, and the mini DIY station. I imagine you can just put that down on any surface and it'll automatically transform into a DIY space. These bigass workbenches don't fit into normal homes, like who just has a whole workbench out in their living room lmao
I think the front desk looks really cool - I'm making a cafe in my second character's house, so I think it would look really nice, instead of the smaller desks we can get.
Definitely the kettle, whiteboard, and cup of pencils! :) I keep hoping for some of this furniture that isn't in game to be added... maybe wishful thinking.
The door, the wall whiteboard and I'll take one for the team and take Tom-Nook as a prisoner to erase all our debts.​
The fax machine is cute, would look great in an office (along with the documents of letter d).

Nook's mini DIY station. Uh, hello? A DIY mat you can put on any surface? Yes please.

I guess the ABD is really the most useful thing here, isn't it? Too bad we can't get a functioning one at all to put somewhere in our house or even the island. Actually, now that I think of it, I'm surprised we can't. ATM stations are very common around airport settings and such, I'm surprised they don't have one to go with the phone booth and vending machines.
None of the above. I'll take the ABD machine, thank you very much.

In all seriousness though, I'll take the calendar, the door, and the picture frames. My home needs more wall items.