Resident Services: What would you take?

Oh I want everything ;u; the planner is probably the thing I want the most though, it's so cute! In all, I'd love to take:

Planner (e)
Calendar (9)
Unused mugs (g)
Easily the ABD machine above all else. I'd love to have it in my home, or closer to my airport, or where ever I want, y'know? Next, I guess the recycling bin, since having that where ever I wanted would also be nice in that regard. Lastly, the DIY mini station would be nice so that way there's more options as to where we can make DIYs from.
lmao i love this! months ago, i definitely would’ve fought you all for the ABD but now that i don’t really use it all that much anymore, i call dibs on the home mat (8), mini diy station (6), and unused mugs (g). ;p
I like this idea~ Just wish it was an actual thing 😔

I'd take the electric kettle, unused mugs, pot of flowers, planner, calendar, wooden drawer, desk fan, and Isabelle's desk (just for the cute little bento hanging from the side of it)

edit: Hey, team no sleep here too! Didn't see/read the part where we can only take three items lolol 🙃 In that case, definitely the ABD machine (need my moneyz with me always), then the electric kettle (for tea times), and finally the planner (cuz it's so gosh darn cute)
The abd machine and the door. Going to use the door as a toboggan and slide the abd out of the RS when no one is looking. It will be the perfect getaway.
First of all, fantastic thread. I've thought about this for a while, and this is my top three:

- (14) island mat. It's a nice map of the island! I bet that it would look good above my bed.
- (f) speaker intercom. Imagine how peaceful it'll be if Isabelle is no longer able to blast her morning announcements across Narnia at 5am!
- (10) the back door. Because I really want to know what's back there. And even if it just goes outside, that'll be my quick way out!
10. THE DOOR: seriously as a wall item it would be cute since houses have no real doors inside
11. Picture frames: its a pretty neutral item thatd be nice in living rooms
g. Unused mugs: same as the picture frames, small neutral item to add as a finishing touch to a room or outside
I would take Isabelle. She can be my roomie in my 6 room awesome house. We could relax in the evening, drinking cocoa and talking about how trees are good and the island needs more trees.
Forget everything else, I want the electric kettle. I can make tea in my room.
As bad it sounds I don’t want anything out of their but I would LOVE the rainbow colored wind chime thing from Harv’s Island though. 😅
I couldn't help myself.

Here's my three choices with reasons why:

- Island pamphlet: It would be cool what information is written about my island, even though I know it from acre to acre.
- Work phone: So I can call my villagers
- Speaker intercom: So I can be the one to announce the news and talk about useful stuff with extras in between. Sorry, Isabelle.
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But to answer my own question:

Door: I just really want a door.
Front Desk: looks cool to use for a bar and I just imagine myself hauling that thing out. I'd probably take out a few people. 😱
Mugs: they're cute especially if you think they'd be customizable but I don't know if I'm ready to enter a throwdown over mugs.

I'm surprised how many people want the atm machine. 😂
I mean, at least we don't have to constantly run back into the resident services building haha.
I can't help but notice that Isabelle is not on this list... I'd take her out for a walk on the beach. She deserves a break. <3
Same! Also unrelated I'd love take Sable away from the sewing machine give her a day off!
I would say 3, 11 and g. Although now that I think about it, 10 would be really useful to cover up the entrances to those rooms you don't use, so I may would left the unused mugs behind and take the door instead, lol.
what a cute idea hahah hmm the picture frame, the little cups, and the mini diy set :D