Team Popsicle <3
Sure thing! ^-^
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Yes please! Any cute silly one is fine! <3
Sure thing! ^-^
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I've got a january birthstone (2014) and july birthstone (2015) on sell for 200 tbt each
if still interested, want a message?
Hey! mind checking the time stamps of mittens for me? c:
I have march and October birthstones from 2015 for 200tbt each if ur interested
Hi! Do you have any red candies from 2014?
Awesome, I'll send them both to you now so u can just send the tbt next time you're available
Hey, Princess Mipha. I know Pokeclasher checked earlier for me, but what times are the two winter mittens in when converted to USA CST? I’m asking because if it’s before 2:21 a.m. CST, then I would be willing to buy them. I’m not sure if they are or not though.