He took a deep breath shakily a few times before the breathing was clear. "You.. need me to think clear..?" He flushed as he realised what the male said, quickly looking away to hide it. "I'll try, but it won't be good."
Stupid child.. A dark voice ran through his head, making him zone out for a bit.
The male smiled slyly, reaching out to use the tips of his index fingers to tilt the boy's lips up into a smile. Even though it was fake, it make Hiroki laugh, before he stood up and offered a hand out to Yama.
"Come on, let's see if we can get a game plan going, then. I'm putting my trust in you.~"
OOC:// Sorry about the short replies with huge time frame in between. @@
He shakily reached up, pulling himself to his feet. "It won't be a good idea.." What a coward you are..
"Alright. I'm not too sure, but we could go in pairs if we explore, or, we could figure out who's dream - nightmare this is, first."
"We should figure out who owns the dream. They should get more protection since they're the main target anyway."
He nodded thoughtfully, moving his hand up to stroke his chin before he looked at Yama.
"Then that person can decide the pairs that go together based on what s/he thinks would be best for their dream."
OOC:// You could just pretend you were there the whole time. o.o
"Now, any idea who might own the dream? Who's feelings or thoughts are conveyed in a way in the dream?" He asks, listening to a loud thump at the window - Another shadow had appeared at the window along with a few others. He ignored them, continuing to talk. "That glass won't break if we all believe. One of us is the dreamaster and we're not gonna let that glass break!" He yelled over the thumping.
Kiyoko looked up at Yama seriously, her lips twitching as she fought back the words she so desired to say. But, she gave in, cringing after saying them.
"Aren't you the only one who knows about this stuff? Wouldn't that make this your dream?"
Hiroki looked at her, then returned his gaze back to the boy who seemed to know how to control this dream too well. Kiyoko was right, there was logic in what she was saying, but he was worried how Yama would react.
He jumped back at the quick assumption. "That would be true, but I'm a thinker. I think of this stuff a lot, it may seem to be mine. We'd need stronger evidence." He started pacing. The fog was thinning out as he gained more confidence, after a while, he picked up the point. "Maybe you're right though.. When I'm stressed, we get attacked and the fog thickens. When I think a lot, I gain confidence, which then thins the fog. Maybe it is my dream.. Maybe. But if that is true, I have no idea how this works at all." He chuckled, tapping his chin. "Make sure you don't get attacked by those creatures - they will stun you." He spoke, moving his hair aside from his eyes to show his ice blue eyes that were usually hidden.
The most Ivory could do to follow the conversation was look at whoever was talking, otherwise she was completely lost. But, she didn't want to look like the dumb one, and decided to lay low for now.
"Now we're talking."
Kiyoko smiled approvingly at the male, glad he had eased out of his shell a bit since the two first met. She was comfortable knowing he could possibly be the dream master, because he knew his stuff. If she ended up being the dream master.. they'd probably all end up dead.
He stared up at Yama, considering how painful this "stun" could be. If one was stunned, they would need help to move, so it was a great idea to search in pairs like the boy initially suggested. There would also have to be someone brave, or arrogant, Kiyoko, in each pair, otherwise they wouldn't get anywhere.
"So do you think we should look around now?"
"Pairs it is. Pick someone to be with you and be wise about it. Now each dream we will have is different, I assume, so don't expect this to be the strategy always." He grabbed Hiroki's hand. "I'll take him. Once we're ready, search for someone who looks like me and isn't with someone." He spoke. In all the person was his demon form and would only keep his hair style the same. It's skin colour wad black and grey, it's fingernails wouls be sharp and red ans it would have a grey face, hand and lower body.
"I want Kiernan. He hasn't said much to me so I'd like to talk more to him."
Kiyoko smiled over at the boy, her eyebrows wiggling devilishly towards him. She turned back to Yama, shrugging. "That leaves enough people for pairing, right? I'm sure of it."
The male would blush faintly, caught off guard that he was claimed first, especially by a cute boy. This was new to him, usually he was the bullied one because of his preferences, and he was always picked last, never chosen first.
"I'm nervous." He murmured.
The two who'd been so boisterous had remained quiet throughout the duration of the conversation. Kiernan had looked skeptical on multiple occasions, but he never actually spoke his mind. Seven, however, looked rather aggravated, especially at the idea.
"That's stupid," she snapped indignantly. "This sounds like some stupid video game. A boss battle? Really? Pffft! As IF."
Kiernan hummed. "Just be complacent, Seven. He obviously knows something we all don't."
"And who died and made him a prophet? He was wetting his pants five minutes ago!"
"His information is far greater than yours. Therefore, just listen. Pick a partner, as well."
Seven scoffed, "Whatever. If someone wants to be with me, I ain't opposed. Just know I think this is all bull."
Kiernan rolled his eyes. It was then he heard Kiyoko and he let out a soft purr. "I'm fine with that," he mused. As if to solidify their pairing, the lion waltzed to stand beside the Imp.
"I'll go with Keiko, if she doesn't mind," Akihisa said. She was the only person he'd really talked to, so he thought it'd be better if he was with her than someone he'd never spoke to.
(OOC: I've been at school, sorry I haven't posted in ages. Time zones are really different Dx I'm in the UK, so this post is at 4:21pm.)