idk man
(Can we plz start now)
(Sure, but keep in mind we're still waiting for 1 more. I know who that person is, CLS knows too.)
It's been about 2 hours, and my legs are tired from pedaling my bicycle. The sun is setting, and I stop to rest at a nearby hotel, titled "Hestia's Roof." On the way in, I see a very interesting flyer. It reads:
Are you looking to find yourself?
Do you want to make new friends?
Do you want to achieve the literal impossible?
If yes, then Dark Veil is for you. Meet in the sewer in front of Hestia's Roof inn. See you there!
Anastasia, owner of Hestia's Roof
Interesting, I think to myself. So the owner of this hotel runs this group. Maybe I could get her...
I walk up to the bar. "Hi, can I speak with Anastasia?" I ask one of the workers.