[ROLEPLAY] Lyecra's Legend

" I don't care they can do that we are family we never give up on each over" I turn to the girl and say " why"
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I grit my teeth. "You don't get it! I said no and I mean no! Now back off or I will have to do something about this."
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"You don't need me. You're not a kid anymore, and you managed fine on your own while I was chained to a wall being tortured."
I stumble slightly as Deylia grabs my arm, but I soon regain my balance. I start walking, then out of the corner of my eye I notice a small group of guards coming from the fort in out direction. "Deylia, run!"
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I keep running, unable to fight any of the guards without any weapons. I trip and fall several times, scrambling back to my feet as fast as I can each time. I refuse to be caught, to be chained up again!
My mind wanders to Roxie as I run away. I feel really guilty for leaving her but I know it's for her own benefit as well as ours. I trip over again, like the many times before, but this time I get my foot stuck on a tree root that sticks out from the ground. While I try to get it unstuck, the guards get dangerously close. No! I won't be imprisoned again!
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I squirm around, trying to slide my leg out of the root, but for some reason it won't come out. Why do things easily get stuck, yet they won't come out after?
The guards are shoved back by the magic, but they soon cover the distance between us again. I don't want to go back in there...
"I'm sorry, this might hurt." I say and use my scythe carefully to cut away at the root. "Asuka, pull your foot out, quick!"