[ROLEPLAY] Lyecra's Legend

She cuts the root very close to my ankle, and I manage to slip my foot out. I stand up, almost forgetting about the guards chasing us.
"Tha-" I start to say, before a burly hand over my mouth cuts me off. It's soon followed by a blade at my neck. No! I won't be caught again! This is insane! I think, struggling to get the hand off.
"Make a move, and this girl gets it. She's a traitor, I have permission to kill her if necessary."
I can feel the blade of the sword being pressed into my throat, not quite hard enough to break the skin.
"Would you like to be arrested too?" The guard asked, as one of the others stops Roxie.
"Both of you put your weapons down and put your hands in the air, or this one dies."

To prove his point, the guard puts more pressure on the sword, forcing it into my throat. I cry of, a mixture of pain and suprise.
"Several guards have seen her working with a girl identified as a Lyekari commander. You match the identity of said commander, and that one over there just tried to attack a guard, so I intend on bringing the three of you in. Now both of you put your weapons down, Or do I have to hurt her more before you get it?"
"Your not hurting anyone!" I say, keeping ahold of my weapon. "You kirame are pathetic! She is one of your own! You all deserve to die, and I will be the one who will end your pathetic lives!"
"This girl has betrayed our people, she is no longer one of us. Not.only has she been plotting with the enemy, she broke out of her cell, a crime which increases the original penalty. In her case, that is enough to warrant the death penalty."
One of the other guards handcuffs my hands behind my back, and out of the corner of my eye I see another one approaching Roxie with his sword drawn, and a third walking towards Deylia.
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"I won't let you!" I see a guard approach me, I reverse him and flip up his knife, putting it to his neck. "Let her go or he gets it!"
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"I can't let a traitor escape alive. All of the guards here have the same ideals, and none would rather give up a prisoner than let the enemy beat them."
I shake my head. "How about you let these two go. You can have me instead!" I say lowering my weapon on the guard I had in a lock. "What's better for you guys? A traitor who has no where to go, or the commander of the Lyekari?"
"Like I said before, we plan to take all three of you. More guards are coming to assist. Now, would the two of you care to drop your weapons?"
I shake my head with a smirk. "Do you really think the Lyekari give up this easily?" I slit the throat of the guard I had ahold of and send a blast of black magic at the others with my free hand, knocking them off their feet. I use the dead body as a shield against a guard who tried to chuck a knife at me from behind and push the body onto him.