"That's a good girl, stay in the corner and stay quiet. There might be some changes with the arrangements, so you might have less time left, sorry. Oh, wait, no I'm not!"
I climb off the bed and Finn passes me my weapon. Taking it, I look down at my clothes which had been cleaned and fixed up. "Did you-" "I had to take them to heal your wounds."
I blush slightly and move across the room. "Why are you helping me exactly?"
After a while, I hear voices outside the cell again, but I can't make out what they're saying. One of them sounds angry. There is a moment of silence, then my cell door is unlocked and a guard walks in. "Get up, there's been a change of plan. We were planning to wait until tomorrow, but that's changed. We're taking you out to the execution area now."
"My sister, they... Killed her. They took her away like they did with your friends. I saw it all from the trees. We are in my house now. It's hidden in the woods near the base."
"Well, t-thank you." I say bowing slightly. "Don't worry, we will get her out." Finn says and pats my head.
When I refuse to get up, he yanks me up by my hair, and turns me around so he can access the chains better. "Chris, fetch her sister from cell #06, she's watching," He barks at one of the others, who walks off in th direction of the other cells.
My hands and feet are cuffed together, and the guard practically drags me all of the way to a small courtyard. In the middle is a wooden platform, and a noose. I stiffen up when I see it. That's it, that's going to end my life.
There is a row of seats at one side, facing the wooden platform, which is where Roxie will most likely have to sit. I don't check to see if she's there.
We run through the woods at a high speed, jumping on branches and Finn used his chain weapon to flip him through the trees. Hang on, I am coming to get you.
I get forced up onto the highest part of the platform, and the guard puts the loop of the noose around my neck. This rope seems too short to break my neck... do they intend for me to suffocate slowly?
I look forward, to the seats. One of the other guards is escorting Roxie to the seat closest.
"This way!" Finn points at the base and a guard notices us.
The guard calls out but I see Finn chuck one axe into a wall, holding onto the other one, he spin around the corner and kicks the guard, knocking him out. I land next to Finn. "Nice."
I try not to look at Roxie, I don't want to see her reaction, but I can't help it. I stare at her as I stand there waiting for it to happen. The guard counts down from three, and I brace myself, waiting for him to pull the lever.
I hear some guards in the upper level call for reinforcements. Chucking his axe into an enemy's scull, he uses the chain to pull it off and spin it, hitting it into another enemy to knock them off their feet. I use black magic to boost me around the room and spin my scythe around me, cutting up more enemies until they are all dead. "Where will they be?"
Arriving at the cells, Finn kills the guards as I search for Asuka. "She isn't here!" "Are we too late?" Finn punches a wall. "Dammit, it's happening again! They can't do this to people!"