[ROLEPLAY] Lyecra's Legend

"You lot, go after her. Don't let her escape!" The guard barks at a group of others. "We can handle the two we have."
The guard removes the hand over my mouth, which allows me to breathe. I regain consciousness not long after, in time to see Roxie being dragged off down a corridor. I get dragged down a different one, in a totally different direction. I'm confused, since the main cells are all in the other direction.
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I'm dragged into a room I've never seen before. It is completely empty except for chains attacked to the walls. I'm roughly thrown to the ground, where the guard removes my ha d cuffs and instead attaches two of the chains on the wall to my wrists. The other two are attached to my ankles. The chains are quite long, allowing me to walk to about the middle of the room. The guard walks out and locks the door, leaving me in darkness, the only light is coming from a tiny window above the door.
I don't believe I've been chained up five times now... this is insane... But why am I in a totally different cell? Why wasn't I put in one of the normal ones like Roxie?
Blood keeps dripping down from the hashes in my neck, which sear with pain every time I move.
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A while later, the guard comes in with a tray. On it is a glass of water, and a piece of bread on a plate. Not a very good meal, even for a prison cell. "Why am I in this cell instead of the normal ones?" I try to yell at him, but it comes out as not much more than a whisper.
"You used to be one of us, don't you remember how the punishment system works? If you escape from your cell and get caught, your punishment doubles. Is that enough for you to work the rest out yourself?"
I look at him with a confused expression for a moment, trying to figure out what he was trying to say. When it finally hit me, my heart dropped right into my gut. I was a traitor, which punishment of life in a cell. Usually punishments double, but you can't do two lifetimes in jail, so it is just increased to the most severe punishment... Death.
"I'm guessing from your face that you've worked it out. Don't worry, we aren't doing it yet, we're waiting forthe other guards to bring back your Lyekari friend. I'm sure she and that precious little sister of yours would love to be watching when it happens," The guard says, laughing.
No.... they wouldn't make Roxie and Deylia watch, would they? Yes, they probably would, actually...
"Hurry up and eat, then go to sleep, we don't want to hear a single word from you all night. If you can sleep, that is, knowing your fate," The guard says, a hind of a teasing tone in his voice.
I try to stay awake, but not long after he leaves the room I fall asleep, slumped against the wall.
when I am a sleep I start to dream of me and auska and all the time we have spent together then our body just start to burn as I wake up.
When I wake up, I find that I'm lying on my side on the cold hard floor. It's freezing in the cell, and I'm starving after such an awful meal last night, but I don't bother saying anything. If I did, one of the guards would probably just come in and tell be to shut up.
I hope they didn't manage to catch Deylia...
Is Roxie okay? I wonder. She'll be in a regular cell, which is better than my situation, at least. Damn it, she should have left! Then she wouldn't have gotten caught up in this! This is why I didn't want her to try to break me out...
when I am just siting I start think of what I have done then I realize my sister was protecting me from this I am an idiot I say to my self.
Tears start to fall down my cheeks as I think about everything. I probably have 2-3 days left alive at most... Roxie is in a jail cell, Deylia might be too... They're both going to be forced to watch when I die... Why is this happening? What did I do wrong to deserve this whole thing? Everything was fine until I was held hostage at that Lyekari base....