[Roleplay] The Aftermath

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"I feel like you'd die if this actually hit you. I just kind of imagine them as blasts of my hate and rage."
( Beary- So basically Sage got possesed and killed Orion. Sai's a badass because of it. They left his body at the beach. Sage left without them to find a village and doze off, and then my new character, Grayson, found Sage and started rummaging in her backpack. The others are in a... bank or something and gathering supplies. That's my summary. c; )
I wake up to the sight of a strange person looking through my bag. I shout, "Hey! What do you think you're doing?!"
I put the backpack down and stand up quickly. I look pale and skinny. (Oh god poor Grayson.) "O-Oh, sorry."
(Demon killed Orion really gruesomely, walked out, and left Sage's body in a burning shop. Helix saved her, but she left to go to the beach and revealed that this has happened to her before. She almost commits suicide, but Helix stops her, and she gets pissy and runs off. Helix also then gets pissy and runs off. The others have a beach funeral/burial for Orion and go into town to loot stuff and look for the Haven. Helix is trying to go to Haven on his own, and so is Sage. She stopped at an "abandoned" village and is asleep while Grayson (Fuzzling's new guy) is rummaging through her bag)

Oops. Late post
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Name : A.L.B.E.R.T (Artificial Life and Bot Expert of Registering Technology)
Gender : Former Male, Now Robotic Life Form
Abilities : Because he is an Android, he can calculate every outcome of almost every situation.
Appearance : A Robot having a Human shaped and is covered in Titanium Plates. He has claw-like hands, with his left arm having an arm cannon on it (which he only uses if he's in dire trouble), with human looking feet. He also has an oxygen tank on the back of him, connecting to his face where his mouth would be. Where his eyes would be has a monitor where people can see a command prompt.
Personality : He is very dull in personality, but when he is able to break the technical barrier and reach his human side, he can be very unpredictible.
Talents: Despite being a robot, very few times he is able to keep in his Human Side and be able to feel human emotions.
Age : 28 (The Time he has been in the robotic suit is 3,125 years, so that could also be the age)

Sorry, we're not accepting new RPers at the moment.

- - - Post Merge - - -


After seeing that whole ordeal, I don't know what to say. Or feel, for that matter...all I can really think to do is cry my heart out.

( I'm totally with you guys okie c; )
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A noise shakes me from my thoughts, it seems far away. A monster, it's definitely a monster. But what would it be attacking? Sage is probably safe. Which means there's one other option. I groan.
I stand behind everyone as I clean my gun, unsure what to say. I stare off into space. (Jean is daydreaming about Ethan wearing rubber gloves, a white cleaning mask, holding washing up liquid and a sponge as he cleans the house.)
I walk out of the library with a two bags full of food, the two swords, the two Sub-machine guns, and of course my bell. I head off towards the mountains, because that's the direction in which Sage's book said Haven was.
I exit the store and squint. "Guys, I think that's Helix in the distance."

((bc I'm not letting us get lost in the city))
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