[Roleplay] The Aftermath

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I walk over to one of the beds, set my bag on the floor, and hop in. It's been so long since I've slept in a real bed... This hut feels so safe too... Within seconds, I'm gone.
I sit in my hut as I hear a loud creak from a neighboring hut. I get up and go to it and look through the door. I panic as I see a person. How did she get here?!
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"Guys, let's go!" I run out into the street, where I find an overturned car, and a department store.
( How about the people that lived there were in a different bunker too? Since they were on the different side of the city, it makes sense. Then they set up little huts around the mountains, so the beasts wouldn't get them? .3. )
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( How about the people that lived there were in a different bunker too? Since they were on the different side of the city, it makes sense. Then they set up little huts around the mountains, so the beasts wouldn't get them? .3. )

(Sure. Then the people all left for the Haven and stubborn you thought the huts were fine and stayed. Sound good?)
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I enter the hatch and grab one of the remaining gas masks. I take two matching guns off of the shelf, and fire them into the large main room of the library. Seems like an Uzi, or something similar. I hear the growl from the back of the room again. Then I remember something from that book: monsters hate loud noises. I grab as much ammo as I can for this type of gun, and run out of the room.
( o I see how it is. u kno what Helix, Sai never liked you either :T)

(Aww no, it's okay, he just doesn't want to accept his own hatred for himself, so he's lying and telling himself he hates everyone else. :D)
The monster shrieks, barreling though the hatch and into the library's main room. I stow away my extra ammo in my pockets, and grip the guns tightly. When I finally get a good look at it, I realize why it was kept in the dark. It's huge, completely black, and has a single eye in the center of its face.
I shrug. "I'm not much of a gun person, so I'll stand guard. Feel free to have fun in this wonderland of yours."
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